Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 24 '15 eng>ind monounsaturated oils over saturated and trans oils lemak minyak tak jenuh tunggal ketimbang minyak jenuh dan trans pro closed ok
- May 24 '15 eng>ind film-coated tablets tablet berselaput pro closed ok
2 May 24 '15 eng>ind extended-release tablet tablet pelepasan diperpanjang pro closed ok
3 Apr 22 '15 eng>ind succumb to the disease meninggal karena penyakit itu pro closed ok
- Apr 18 '15 eng>ind acidic body constitution komposisi tubuh yang mengarah asam pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '15 eng>ind there is more in every drop terdapat lebih banyak dalam setiap tetes pro closed ok
3 Apr 14 '15 eng>ind ionized water air terionisasi pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 '15 eng>ind INCISION insisi pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '15 eng>ind Western Biot Noda Western(Western Blot) pro closed no
- Jan 8 '15 eng>ind PAPER Patient Clinical History riwayat klinis pasien PAPER pro just_closed no
- Jun 3 '07 eng>ind burn rasa perih pro closed no
- Jul 31 '10 eng>ind Stretch marks. strie(rengangan) kulit pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '10 eng>ind maternal and neonatal health kesehatan ibu dan neonatus pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '12 eng>ind do acts of kindness bertindak murah hati pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '10 eng>ind build up of dirt, oil and impurities timbunan kotoran minyak dan noda pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '12 eng>ind ‘catch up’ course of immunisation program kejar imunisasi pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '11 eng>ind Residential Drug Treatment pengobatan rawat di rumah pro closed no
- Jan 10 '12 eng>ind residual applications penyemprotan beresidu pro closed ok
- Jun 17 '11 eng>ind to factor the randomness of spikes into its rejection logic membagi berbagai faktor acakan lonjakan ke masing-masing logika lonjakan pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '10 eng>ind recharges mengencangkan pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '10 eng>ind The science behind the proper plant based diet pengetahuan di balik gizi nabati yang sesuai pro closed no
- Jan 7 '12 eng>ind gas operated allethrin mosquito protection devices semprotan aletrin penolak nyamuk pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '11 eng>ind ozonated water air ozonasi pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '12 eng>ind low-impact kontak fisik rendah pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '12 eng>ind get through the day dapat mempertahankannya sepanjang hari pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '10 eng>ind delivering advanced skincare expertise menghadirkan keahlian perawatan kulit mutakhir pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '10 eng>ind uneven skin tone kekencangan kulit tak merata pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '12 eng>ind mosquito-proof tent tenda tahan nyamuk pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '12 eng>ind immunity fades kekebalan tubuh berangsur-angsur hilang pro closed ok
- May 24 '12 eng>ind government entitlements or rebates potongan harga atau tunjangan dari pemerintah pro closed no
- Sep 28 '12 eng>ind tackle your day tangani keseharian anda pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '12 eng>ind coughed into the air tersebar ke udara melalui batuk pro closed ok
- May 8 '12 eng>ind had nothing to look forward to tidak ada yang dapat di harapkan pro closed no
- Sep 29 '12 eng>ind focus on loving pusatkan pada mengasihi pro closed ok
- May 7 '12 eng>ind could not tolerate tidak dapat menyesuaikan pro closed ok
- May 7 '12 eng>ind to work up the initiative mengembangkan langkah awal pro closed ok
- May 7 '12 eng>ind using a lot of nervous energy menguras tenaga saraf pro closed ok
- Oct 22 '12 eng>ind postural and core muscles otot-otot penopang dan utama tubuh pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '13 eng>ind "decerebrate response" "tanggap deserebrasi" pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '13 eng>ind minute doses dosis-dosis mini pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '13 eng>ind as little as five minutes paling sedikit dalam lima menit pro closed ok
- Apr 7 '14 eng>ind masalah sementara/utama provisional/main question pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered