Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 8 '12 fra>eng les CC shopping centres / shopping malls pro just_closed no
4 Mar 8 '12 fra>eng Miré visually inspected pro closed no
- Feb 15 '12 eng>ell "vanity" εκδόθηκε έναντι «προίκα» pro closed no
- Jan 14 '12 eng>fra people-watchers chroniqueurs de beaux gens pro closed no
- Dec 17 '11 eng>esl "Front Mayo Stand" soporte Mayo de delante pro closed ok
- May 18 '11 fra>eng avoir l’air superflu feeling like the odd one out easy closed no
- May 13 '11 fra>eng qui lui tendait les bras that was crying out for him easy closed ok
- May 10 '11 fra>eng codage (procedure) coding pro closed ok
NP May 9 '11 fra>eng satisfaisant satisfactory easy closed no
4 May 6 '11 fra>eng un bilan riche d’enseignements ... a valuable learning experience easy closed ok
- Dec 30 '10 eng>ell off-patent drugs µη προστατευόµενα φάρµακα pro closed ok
4 Dec 19 '10 fra>eng Les canaux galactophoriques sont fins The lactiferous ducts are thin. pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '10 fra>eng Une belle-mère reine de la nuit party-going mother-in-law pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '10 fra>eng un buzz qui monte set to become the Next Big Thing pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '10 ell>eng επιβαρύνσεις financial burden pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '10 fra>eng motiver motivate them with regard to possible complications of diabetes pro closed no
- May 31 '10 fra>eng alimenter les brochures early access to critical content pro just_closed no
- May 19 '10 fra>eng AFSSAPS French Medicines Agency pro closed ok
- May 11 '10 ell>eng Κινούμενος στο ίδιο πλαίσιο σκέψης Another subsriber to the same school of thought... pro closed ok
NP May 11 '10 fra>eng degré de confiance level of (shareholder) confidence easy closed no
- Apr 27 '10 fra>eng C'est par le bien faire que se crée le bien être doing something well is the first step on the path to well-being pro closed no
- Mar 30 '10 fra>eng Se sentir petit "smaller than life" easy closed no
- Mar 16 '10 fra>eng LCIE Electricité Performance Cat. C. (conforms to French standard "Electricité Performance Catégorie C") pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '10 fra>eng le secteur marchand aura détruit 400.000 emplois will have eliminated pro open no
- Feb 27 '10 eng>fra personally identifiable information données non anonymisées pro closed no
- Feb 17 '10 eng>fra fact families catégories factuelles pro closed no
- Aug 27 '09 eng>fra less = more moins portée = plus de portée pro closed no
- Mar 8 '09 ell>eng άφησε πλήρως αδιάφορους The MPs were completely indifferent to [something] pro closed no
4 Mar 6 '09 fra>eng profiter de l'hospitalité de qqun I'll definitely take you up on that easy closed no
- Oct 24 '08 fra>eng écart significatif shows a significant deviation (95%) with regard to pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '08 eng>fra No-gimmick trial un essai sans prise de tête pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '08 ell>eng Το "σπέρμα" της δημιιουργικότητας gets the creative juices flowing pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '08 ell>fra να " αμβλύνει" τα γεγονότα désarmocer la situation pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '08 eng>fra a diamonds and pearls kind of woman une femme habituée à un train de vie dispendieux pro just_closed no
- Sep 8 '08 eng>fra efficient dose ranging study étude efficace d'évaluation de dose pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '08 eng>fra Defines default driver DEFINIR LE paramètre TYPE chaîne de caractères DU pilote par défault, pour inscription du se pro closed no
- Sep 6 '08 eng>fra I look forward to our meeting this wednesday Dans l'attente de vous rencontrer et de vous parler de mes projets de vive voix, easy closed no
- Aug 24 '08 fra>eng du réveil au coucher from dawn till dusk easy closed ok
- Aug 22 '08 eng>fra Lab color space espace colorimétrique Lab pro closed ok
- Aug 19 '08 eng>fra they have licensed in ... a obtenu une licence pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '08 fra>eng acquisition tomodensitométrique CT scan pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '08 fra>eng carte d'identité organoleptique sensory ID card pro open no
- Aug 12 '08 fra>eng Il en va différemment It's different for... easy closed no
4 Aug 11 '08 eng>fra ipsilateral shoulder épaule ipsilatérale pro closed no
4 Jul 24 '08 eng>ell Kofreiti (the olive) Κοθρέικη pro closed no
4 Jul 23 '08 fra>eng retentissement of no clinical significance pro closed no
- Jul 23 '08 fra>eng argumentaire (unique) selling points pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '08 ell>eng Mia xara koukla OK, babes easy closed no
NP Jul 22 '08 eng>fra you are so beautiful [see box] easy open no
- Jul 20 '08 eng>fra defaulted off par dé sont pas pris en compte pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered