1 |
Automotive, Mechanical Engineering, General, Patents, Childrens Books, Magazines, Catalogs, Fuel Cell, Renewable Energy, Thermal Science, ...
2 |
engineering, electrical, electronics, semiconductor, technical, manual, software, translation, interpretation
翻訳, 通訳, ...
3 |
Japanese, English, Hungarian, software, hardware, electrical engineering, electronics, instrument control, quality, QA, ...
4 |
Japanese, Czech, English, German, Spanish, automotive, TPS, computers, technology, environment, ...
5 |
Mia NguyenNative in Vietnamese (Variant: Standard-Vietnam)
ATA, American Translators Association, ATA Member, Chartered Institute of Linguists, vietnamese, translator, freelance, localization, Vietnamese to English, English to Vietnamese, ...
6 |
ArrayManufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
7 |
Japanese, electronics, material science, medical, phyisics, semiconductor
8 |
IT, Software, Nuclear safety, Electronic parts manufacturing, Flexible Printed Circuit board, Precision measuring instrument
9 |
ArrayManufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
10 |
ArrayManufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
11 |
ArrayManufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
12 |
ArrayManufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
13 |
ArrayPsychology, Nutrition, Medical (general), Medical: Health Care, ...
14 |
ArrayNames (personal, company), Slang, Music, Poetry & Literature, ...
15 |
Japanese, English, Tagalog, technology, software, finance, legal, media, marketing, publishing, ...
16 |
Translation, typesetting, agency, language services, localization, multilingual, professional translators, accurate translations, linguistic expertise, cultural adaptation, ...