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Japanese to English Human Resources Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
労働者災害補償保健法 Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance Law
基監発0315第1号 Notice No.0315 Article 1 of the Inspection Division, the Labour Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
原籍 domicile of origin
委受託業務 Outsourcing and subcontracting (operations/work)
安全管理特別事業所 business facility ruled by the special safety guidance
Entered by: cinefil
安全衛生推進者 Safety and Health Promotion Officer
Entered by: Yuki Okada
対象者に対し、ESを印刷命令 print for the applicant/recipient
帰任手当 return to the post allowance
人間力 human qualities
事業主団体 employer organization
Entered by: David Gibney
休業者 vs. 休職者 employee on care leave vs. employee on administrative leave
依頼者 [in this context] applicant
保有資格 qualifications
リリーフマン temporary cover staff
ヒトイチ力 \'People First\' power
オン・クォーター met all job requirements
キャリア採用者 mid-career hire (as opposed to a new-university-graduate hire)
債務者主義 Risk-Borne-by-Obligor Principle
Entered by: casey
冠称 use the company name
Entered by: cinefil
現認者 witness
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
私傷病 non-work related injury
総社長 Group President / Overall President
繰越ロジック carry over logic
給与厚生サービスBL salary/welfare service business leader
Entered by: Aidan English
障害者職業生活相談員 Employment Counselor for People with Disabilities
菱和会慶弔見舞金 Congratulatory endowment and solatium from Ryowakai Society
製番・営工 serial number, building and repairs section/maintenance department
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
身分調書 background check
Entered by: David Gibney
育成型人材派遣事業 training oriented temporary staffing service
自由闊達な企業風土 Free and open-minded corporate culture
雇用保険被保険者休業開始時賃金月額証明書 Certificate of monthly wage of employment insurance beneficiary as at commencement of leave
逆転現象 reversal phenomenon
Entered by: cinefil
退任職 Resignation
除した divided by
\"課対支給額\" taxable payment
Entered by: Anita Kobayashi
業務上、業務外を問わない whether it may be work-related (on-the-job, occupational) or not
業務手当 allowances paid according to work types
残休 remaining (paid) holiday
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
法規制 regulation of law
派遣元 & 派遣先 manpower agency & client
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