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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)
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wherestip  Identity Verified
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快与猛 May 6, 2015

J.H. Wang wrote:






随着电影系列的逐年推出, DVD 1~6 集我都买了。 但说实在的,这种题材的电影看一部就足矣了。

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:40
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揭秘《速度与激情7》特效让保罗复活的秘密 May 10, 2015

wherestip wrote:

Paul Walker's two brothers had to stand in for some of his scenes with his head shot superimposed on their bodies. I'm sure there were plenty of Paul Walker's head shots from 1 through 6 of the movie franchise to work with.


“为了最大程度还原保罗的形象,剧组特意找来他的两位弟弟卡勒伯·沃克(Caleb Walker)和科迪·沃克(Cody Walker),前者在身材、声音以及肢体语言方面与保罗非常相似;而后者则在相貌和眼神上同沃克如出一辙,剧组得以充分利用两兄弟各自的优势。”




wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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激啥个情? May 11, 2015

Reading too much into the English title of the movie. But I understand how the exaggerated translation stuck.


The side door opened and the chauffeur helped Gaia out onto the street. The rain was coming down fast and furious. "No worries," Liz said, looking back at Gaia. "My mom's umbrellas would keep elephants dry."

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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CGI May 11, 2015


Thanks for the link about how Paul Walker's computer-generated imagery (CGI) was created and achieved in "Fast and Furious 7". FWIW, here's a few more links in English I found on the web.

... See more

Thanks for the link about how Paul Walker's computer-generated imagery (CGI) was created and achieved in "Fast and Furious 7". FWIW, here's a few more links in English I found on the web.




Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:40
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又一例任性的翻译 May 13, 2015

wherestip wrote:

Reading too much into the English title of the movie. But I understand how the exaggerated translation stuck.


The side door opened and the chauffeur helped Gaia out onto the street. The rain was coming down fast and furious. "No worries," Liz said, looking back at Gaia. "My mom's umbrellas would keep elephants dry."

我也注意到了这部电影名的翻译问题。Fast 首先是个形容词,不是名词“速度”。furious 这里是猛烈、激烈的意思,跟激情关系不大。顺便提出一个建议的译名:飞车狂飙。

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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Thumbs-up May 13, 2015

J.H. Wang wrote:

Fast and Furious 7 has made a box office of 2.3 billion CNY in China at a fast and furious speed!


Yes, I noticed that you knew what the phrase meant when you first said the above.

"飞车狂飙" is a much better translation for the movie franchise title than what they have now.

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:40
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谢谢点赞 May 14, 2015

wherestip wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:

Fast and Furious 7 has made a box office of 2.3 billion CNY in China at a fast and furious speed!


Yes, I noticed that you knew what the phrase meant when you first said the above.

"飞车狂飙" is a much better translation for the movie franchise title than what they have now.


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
Chinese to English
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Yet another movie about Peter Pan May 19, 2015


Neverland's flying ships look stunning in the new trailer

Peter Pan is all about how the Darling children travel to and explore Neverland. Pan is all about how Peter did the same.

In the first trailer, we met Peter as a kind of Oliver Twist, plucked from an orphanage to work Neverland’s mines for Blackbeard (played by Hugh Jackman). The new trailer, released today, focuses more on his friendship and adventures with Hook (Garrett Hedlund), though no hints yet as to how they must have fallen out to become enemies.

Joe Wright (who also directed Atonement and Pride and Prejudice) brings a lavish look to the film, with beautiful renderings of flying ships, spooky mermaid scenes (featuring Cara Delevingne) and bold acrobatics for Tiger Lily’s tribe (the warrior is controversially played by Rooney Mara; critics would have preferred a Native American actress).

Pan opens in theaters Oct. 9

[Edited at 2015-05-20 12:18 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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Furious May 25, 2015


French Open 2015: Roger Federer furious after boy's selfie attempt

"It's not the end of the world but it was embarrassing, and we are collectively responsible as organizers," said Ysern, who acknowledged that Federer was "p*ssed off" and "has good grounds for being unhappy."

... "激情" ...

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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Love & Mercy Jun 14, 2015



[Edited at 2015-06-14 17:17 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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The Salt of the Earth Jul 15, 2015


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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Didn't know what I was missing Sep 6, 2015

一口气把 X-Men 系列已出的七部影片全看了,挺不错的。

X2: X-Men United
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Çin Respublikası
Local time: 21:40
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今天看了终结者 5 Sep 10, 2015

在某电影院 9 号厅第 9 排 9号座看的。不是我故意选的,拿到电影票才注意到这个有趣的号码。要是昨天 9 月 9 号看,也是这个号的话就更有趣了,呵呵。顺便说一下,票价是 77 元。


Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Çin Respublikası
Local time: 21:40
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《终结者5》内地票房突破 7 亿元 Sep 10, 2015



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:40
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重温《城南旧事》 Sep 24, 2015


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