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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)
Təhdid postu: chance (X)
wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:37
Chinese to English
+ ...
大家都应仔细读, 避免今后再出类似问题 Apr 6, 2008


Please read carefully what Kevin said about why he closed the folders. It has nothing to do with what you've posted in my estimation.

I'd suggest you just start another thread with the same title if you feel like it.

[Edited at 2008-04-06 23:42]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:37
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English to Chinese
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thank you for your being considerate Apr 6, 2008

wherestip wrote:


Please read carefully what Kevin said about why he closed the threads. It has nothing to do with what you've posted in my estimation.

I'd suggest you just start another thread with the same title if you feel like it.

[Edited at 2008-04-06 23:07]


[Edited at 2008-04-06 23:11]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:37
Chinese to English
+ ...
my perspective Apr 6, 2008

jyuan_us wrote:

wherestip wrote:


Please read carefully what Kevin said about why he closed the threads. It has nothing to do with what you've posted in my estimation.

I'd suggest you just start another thread with the same title if you feel like it.


I wouldn't think that way at all. Rest assured you were not targeted.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:37
Member (2005)
English to Chinese
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HAHA Apr 6, 2008

wherestip wrote:

jyuan_us wrote:

wherestip wrote:


Please read carefully what Kevin said about why he closed the threads. It has nothing to do with what you've posted in my estimation.

I'd suggest you just start another thread with the same title if you feel like it.


I wouldn't think that way at all. Rest assured you were not targeted.

I knew you wouldn't.

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 01:37
Chinese to English
Gong Li Apr 7, 2008

Zhoudan wrote:


traiston wrote:


Hi Traiston, Zhoudan

I did see 'To Live' when it was shown here. I don't remember it very well. I liked 'The Story of Qiu Ju' and 'Raise the Red Lantern'.


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:37
English to Chinese
+ ...
最诚挚、最美好的祝愿! Apr 7, 2008


Jason Ma wrote:

应该是。这样说是因为我这情况有些复杂: half Hui (from my father's father and my mother's mother), a quater Tibetan (from my father's mother) , a quater Salar (from my mother's father). 据我母亲说,我父亲那边还有汉族远亲。


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:37
Chinese to English
+ ...
China's population Apr 7, 2008


1.3 billion people or 十三亿人口. This morning I said 一亿三千万人口. 更正一下.

其实六十年代初期 就已经 六亿五千万人民了.

I must say the numerical system in Chinese does get confusing for me living here in the United States. I wasn't really thinking either

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Çin Respublikası
Local time: 21:37
English to Chinese
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谢谢孙先生 Apr 7, 2008


Yueyin Sun wrote:



[Edited at 2008-04-07 05:36]

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Çin Respublikası
Local time: 21:37
English to Chinese
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不上锁才怪呢 Apr 7, 2008


isahuang wrote:


jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:37
Member (2005)
English to Chinese
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你說得對 Apr 7, 2008

Jason Ma wrote:


isahuang wrote:



烤箱烤的是人不是貓﹐而且不是烤箱﹐是微波爐“煮”的﹔貓是在另外一個CONTEXT里出現的﹐貓從來也沒進入過烤箱。那個CONTEXT叫做醫貓。醫貓是一個新興詞﹐不久就會傳入大陸﹐到時就不會誤解了。FORUM RULE里沒有規定PG 13(不是PG 3)不能出現﹐而是說色情的東西不能出現。PG13還談不上色情。擦邊球而已。

[Edited at 2008-04-07 05:01]

[Edited at 2008-04-07 05:02]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:37
English to Chinese
+ ...
民族和谐 Apr 7, 2008

Jason Ma wrote:





chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 01:37
Chinese to English
Droll Apr 7, 2008

jyuan_us wrote:

Jason Ma wrote:


isahuang wrote:



烤箱烤的是人不是貓﹐而且不是考箱﹐是微波爐“煮”的﹔貓是在另外一個CONTEXT里出現的﹐貓從來也沒進入過烤箱。那個CONTEXT叫做醫貓。醫貓是一個新興詞﹐不久就會傳入大陸﹐到時就不會誤解了。FORUM里沒有規定PG 13(不是PG 3啊)不能出現﹐而是說色情的東西不能出現。PG13還談不上色情。擦邊球而已。

You guys are funny the things you talk about.

[Edited at 2008-04-07 05:12]

[Edited at 2008-04-07 05:15]

[Edited at 2008-04-07 05:19]

[Edited at 2008-04-07 06:35]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:37
English to Chinese
+ ...
同意 Steve 的意见 Apr 7, 2008


TARGET 不是你,也不是你开的栏目,所以感到不爽的不应该是你。我支持 Kevin 的决定!
jyuan_us wrote:

wherestip wrote:


Please read carefully what Kevin said about why he closed the threads. It has nothing to do with what you've posted in my estimation.


[Edited at 2008-04-06 23:11]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:37
Member (2005)
English to Chinese
+ ...
謝謝老孫﹗ Apr 7, 2008

Yueyin Sun wrote:


TARGET 不是你,也不是你开的栏目,所以感到不爽的不应该是你。我支持 Kevin 的决定!
jyuan_us wrote:

wherestip wrote:


Please read carefully what Kevin said about why he closed the threads. It has nothing to do with what you've posted in my estimation.


[Edited at 2008-04-06 23:11]


chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 01:37
Chinese to English
Minorities; Chinese foreign students Apr 7, 2008

Yueyin Sun wrote:

Jason Ma wrote:





Hi Yueyin and Jason

With regard to minorities education grants, we have Maori and Pacific Islands scholarships but I don't know anything about them.

From a recent government publication: 'Education services are an important sector in the bilateral services trade between China and New Zealand. New Zealand's statistics show that more than 50,000 Chinese students studied in New Zealand in the year ended 30 June 2003. China has become the largest source country of international students for New Zealand.'

Tell us about the Latino issue in the States Yueyin, if you have time.

It was interesting to hear about your background, Jason. I knew you were Salar.

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不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)

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