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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)
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wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
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" 被当时的干部子弟们亲切地称为“老莫” " Feb 24, 2014









wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
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湛蓝的天空 Feb 24, 2014

ysun wrote:



Indeed, those were the days. The Beijing Zoo was immediately to the left-hand side(out of view). If I remember correctly, you could see the monkeys playing around on the Monkey Mountain(猴山) right through the wrought-iron fence from the front parking lot of Moscow Restaurant.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
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我記憶中的陽光燦爛的“樣子” Feb 25, 2014


Yes, that's true, including 湛蓝的天空 that's what I really meant by 我記憶中的“陽光燦爛的日子”. The admission ticket was only 10 cents to enter the Zoo. I also remember that there is a movie theater just next to the Moscow restaurant. It took me only 5 cents to buy a movie ticket when I produced my student ID. Nowadays, it could cost 100 Yuan to watch a movie.

[Edited at 2014-02-25 02:34 GMT]

deleted. (X)
deleted. (X)
Local time: 10:31
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Shake hands Feb 25, 2014

I'm so glad to see there are quite a number of us here who can relate to those days, and even to the scenes. Pkchan, Ysun and Steve (that's the name you go by, isn't it, whereistip?). Shake hands!

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:31
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老廣老香會是聽不準 Feb 25, 2014

he-li wrote:



字幕:有什么啊?回到黄景河不就得了吗?(声音:有什么啊?回头还你一盒儿不就得了吗? );

(声音:瓦西里…(跳下台子)…告诉捷尔任斯基,布哈林、 托洛斯基都是叛徒,他们要刺杀列宁)


[Edited at 2014-02-23 09:41 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-02-23 09:42 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-02-23 23:22 GMT]


[Edited at 2014-02-25 14:04 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
Chinese to English
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North and South Feb 25, 2014

he-li wrote:

I'm so glad to see there are quite a number of us here who can relate to those days, and even to the scenes. Pkchan, Ysun and Steve (that's the name you go by, isn't it, whereistip?). Shake hands!

Hi, he-li. Glad to see you here posting again. Yes, I go by Steve or Stephen. Up north, people are very relaxed about shortening each other's names. But down south, they are real sticklers for getting it exactly right. No one would call you Kathy if you introduce yourself as Katherine, or vice versa. Incidentally, I once witnessed a female colleague (from Georgia) begrudgingly correct a male colleague (from Minnesota) for making that mistake.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
Chinese to English
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郭沫若题写的 “北京展览馆” 大字 Feb 25, 2014


Thanks for the links. Indeed one can't but admire the beauty of the architecture of 北京展览馆.

This link you provided has a lot of good images representative of the interior of 莫斯科餐厅 ...

The lighting of this image is just right. It reminds me of walking into the dining room ~50 years ago.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
Chinese to English
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It used to be an exclusive restaurant Feb 25, 2014







1995年出版的一本画册的序言中,有画家黄永玉写的《大家张伯驹先生印象》,写到1982年黄永玉携妻儿赴莫斯科餐厅吃饭,“忽见伯驹先生蹒跚而来,孤寂索漠,坐于小偏桌旁。餐至,红菜汤一盆,面包果酱,小碟黄油两小块,先生缓慢从容,品味红菜汤毕,小心自口袋取出小毛巾一方,将抹上果酱及黄油之四片面包细心裹就,提小包自人丛缓缓隐去……”这是因为张伯驹的妻子潘素生病了,这小方巾包裹的面包是拿回家给潘素吃的。黄永玉评价张伯驹: “富不骄,贫能安,临危不惧,见辱不惊……真大忍人也!”[2]

I think the professor got the prices of the restaurant completely wrong. As I remember, in the late '50s, early '60s, the table d'hôte menus ranged from ¥20 to ¥30, roughly half the monthly wages of a regular worker.

If it were 1.5 to 2 yuan, everyone and his brother would have been in there.

[Edited at 2014-02-25 20:29 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
Chinese to English
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Before 1958 Feb 25, 2014

Well, I was wrong. Lo and behold, I found this image on the web.

It must have been way before my time then.


p.s., Indeed, the receipt still showed "苏联展览馆莫斯科餐厅"; and BTW, it was still printed in traditional Chinese characters. So that was prior to 1958, after which the exhibition hall had its name changed to "北京展览馆", on the order of Premier 周恩来; and simplified Chinese characters also became the norm.

I would think the admission was strictly limited to a privileged group of people, as described in the wiki page for "北京展览馆". And the low, low prices were only a nominal charge, apparently a perk for these folks ...


[Edited at 2014-02-26 04:04 GMT]

deleted. (X)
deleted. (X)
Local time: 10:31
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听电影对白 Feb 26, 2014

pkchan wrote:

[Edited at 2014-02-25 14:04 GMT]


deleted. (X)
deleted. (X)
Local time: 10:31
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Name Feb 26, 2014

wherestip wrote:
Hi, he-li. Glad to see you here posting again. Yes, I go by Steve or Stephen. Up north, people are very relaxed about shortening each other's names. But down south, they are real sticklers for getting it exactly right. No one would call you Kathy if you introduce yourself as Katherine, or vice versa. Incidentally, I once witnessed a female colleague (from Georgia) begrudgingly correct a male colleague (from Minnesota) for making that mistake.

Glad to have the name established. My real name is HE Li, which is probably the shortest name in Queensland where I live, and occasionally I find that having too short a name is not very convenient, for example, Gmail does not allow me to use my real name for email address as it is less than the 6 letters required. Sometimes I wonder if I should give myself a longer name.

deleted. (X)
deleted. (X)
Local time: 10:31
English to Chinese
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细节 Feb 26, 2014



[Edited at 2014-02-26 00:30 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
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握手 Feb 26, 2014

he-li wrote:

I'm so glad to see there are quite a number of us here who can relate to those days, and even to the scenes. Pkchan, Ysun and Steve (that's the name you go by, isn't it, whereistip?). Shake hands!


pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:31
Member (2006)
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上世纪六七十年代在“老莫”就餐的人们 Feb 26, 2014

See more


[Edited at 2014-02-26 04:01 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:31
English to Chinese
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望"洋"兴叹 Feb 26, 2014

wherestip wrote:


Thanks for the links. Indeed one can't but admire the beauty of the architecture of 北京展览馆.







[Edited at 2014-02-26 15:37 GMT]

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