Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 4 '21 eng>deu doomscrolling virtuelle Katastrophensucht pro closed no
- Feb 11 '20 deu>eng reaktive mündliche Sprachregelung reactive verbal language rule pro just_closed ok
- Nov 19 '19 eng>deu fake news fingierte Nachrichten pro closed no
- Jun 25 '18 deu>eng gelegen The historic buildings in a park easy closed no
4 Jan 29 '18 deu>eng Berichterstattung des Boulevards tabloid reporting pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '16 deu>eng Entwicklungsredaktion content development department pro closed no
- Oct 21 '15 eng>deu to resonate amid competitive noise kommt weiter stark an trotz lautstarker Konkurrenz pro closed no
- Oct 9 '15 deu>eng Nischendasein relegated to the sidelines pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '15 eng>deu puts focus on GM crops bringt GV-Kulturen ins Visier pro closed no
- Aug 7 '15 deu>eng "Frau fürs Bunte" The woman (responsible) for the daily news fodder pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '15 eng>deu Happy Meals, unhappy jobs Happy Meals, wenig (keine) happige Jobs pro closed no
4 Aug 6 '15 eng>deu shore up the golden arches greift den Fast Food-Ketten unter die Arme pro closed no
- Aug 6 '15 eng>deu sent a powerful message Sie machten unmissverständlich klar, dass... pro closed no
4 May 13 '15 deu>eng imageträchtig with a nod to popular appeal pro closed no
- Mar 10 '15 deu>eng Alltagstristesse dishes out large doses of mundane reality pro closed ok
4 Jun 14 '14 deu>eng Papierkorb (proposal) was tossed (out) easy closed no
- Mar 19 '14 deu>eng liegt längst bei den Akten has been gathering dust for a while pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '13 deu>eng dazugesellen is heaped on top of it pro closed ok
- Jun 28 '13 deu>eng sich stellen und die Tat zugeben turned himself in, admitting to the theft pro closed ok
4 Mar 22 '13 deu>eng parketgespraech Market whispers pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '12 eng>deu money thrown down the drain dabei wird kein Geld versickern pro closed no
- Aug 15 '12 eng>deu take action Auf Ihre Mitwirkung kommt es an! pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '12 deu>eng meinungsfreudig strong-minded pro closed ok
4 Apr 21 '12 deu>eng Vertragsanwaltskanzlei contracted law firm pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered