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chaisaeng nagler a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Work as a simultaneous interpreter (Thai<> English) at large conferences - highlighted recent and future assignments shown below: Recent: In 2013: at a large conference that had 400 participants, in Macau, In 2015 and 2016: at a large, global insurance company on their marketing training-The conference was held in London and Rome, as well as to train a person in the business field to become a competent simultaneous interpreter, required to work alongside myself. In 2016: at a Thai energy drinks company for their business team building event in London, In 2016: at GlaxoSmithKline plc. conference for scientists and medical doctors worldwide ( Diseases and Pharmaceutical content), In 2017 at a Cryptocurrency company event in Warsaw (Technology and Finance as well as Marketing content and leaderships training), April 2018 Simultaneous interpreting in London for the client, the Cryptocurrency company ((3 days-event)- repeated client from last year), April 2018 Remote simultaneous interpreting from London for an insurance “risk management” conference in Bangkok. June 2018 Simultaneous interpreting (location – Barcelona) for a Cryptocurrency company (one day-event) as well as to train a person in the business field to become a competent simultaneous interpreter, required to work alongside myself.


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