A cosa stanno lavorando i traduttori

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A quale progetto di traduzione stai lavorando in questo momento?
Conor McAuley che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Company law again, basically. Kbis (company certification of incorporation) extract. I have to admit that I quite like doing these small repetitive jobs, you can always tweak something translation-wise (working off a Kbis template, of course -- previously done work), you can always "play" with the lay-out, and then getting it right and producing a great-looking document is such a great satisfaction. It's a pity that the client didn't say thanks or even acknowledge receipt of my delivery, but you get very used to that in this game.


I Do That

1 user

  • Da Francese a Inglese
  • 250 parole
  • Law (general), Business/Commerce (general), Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
  • 100% completo