Article: Confessions of a 'KudoZ point grabber'
Təhdid postu: Staff Staff Staff
Sep 4, 2005

This topic is for discussion of the translation article "Confessions of a 'KudoZ point grabber'".

Gloria Carranza
Gloria Carranza  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:22
English to Spanish
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You grabbed my attention Oct 20, 2005

I loved Mats Wiman's comments in his article "Confessions of a 'KudoZ point grabber'". As I take a short break from my translation work that I have been doing non-stop all morning, I have to agree with many of his insights about and how helpful it has been to me since I discovered it some months ago.

The translation world can be somewhat lonely and one does not often interact with "real live people". Nowdays, everything seems to be via the Internet or electronic formats
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I loved Mats Wiman's comments in his article "Confessions of a 'KudoZ point grabber'". As I take a short break from my translation work that I have been doing non-stop all morning, I have to agree with many of his insights about and how helpful it has been to me since I discovered it some months ago.

The translation world can be somewhat lonely and one does not often interact with "real live people". Nowdays, everything seems to be via the Internet or electronic formats. So when I read Mats article, I just had to comment and in particular thank all the "KudoZ point grabbers" for all your input and efforts to enriching the world of translation. Those of you (and I include myself in the mix) that have answered and posted your responses to questions are making valuable contributions to the field. Like Mats says, it is a very rewarding experience to e-interact with other translators, asking questions, answering questions and consulting doubts. I have been greatly enriched by the experience and will continue to use the site, contribute what I can and applaud the efforts of everyone that participates.

There's one point that Mats makes that I would like to comment on and it is regarding "bad entries" and how can we weed them out so that through we create one of the best glossaries ever. I feel that this is something that should be discussed in greater detail. The majority of the entries, as Mats states, are high quality, but not all are. Presently, an entry cannot be challenged or changed once it is graded. Maybe a mechanism for challenging older entries and putting them up for further discussion and analysis? Just a thought.

Thank you again all you "KudoZ grabbers". Now... tell me your secrets? How can I become a Kudoz grabber?

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:22
English to Spanish
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The best article on the subject Nov 7, 2005

Dear fellow translators,

Much has been said and argued about kudoz points grabbers, ethics, agrees/disagrees/neutral comments. I just happen to run into this wonderfully written, witty and thorough article. It has everything there is to it. Nothing can be added. I can suscribe it word by word. Congratulations to the author.
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Dear fellow translators,

Much has been said and argued about kudoz points grabbers, ethics, agrees/disagrees/neutral comments. I just happen to run into this wonderfully written, witty and thorough article. It has everything there is to it. Nothing can be added. I can suscribe it word by word. Congratulations to the author.
Allow me to quote just a few lines as a summary:
"ttagir’s statement sums up very well what I have unconsciously felt for a long time: I am killing three birds with one stone.
1. I help
2. I prove myself
3. I leave traces that might help someone to choose me as
a translator
Further it’s maybe the best meeting place at You
get to know your colleagues step by step "
/end of quote/

This is what Kudoz is about.

Walter Landesman

[Edited at 2005-11-07 21:32]

DocteurPC  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:22
English to French
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Kudoz is such a challenge - like doing crossword puzzles, but in 2 languages Jan 7, 2006

Yes, I'm a Kudoz point grabber, too, as well as a BrowniZ one

Like the author, I can't resist a challenge and answering questions is a challenge. It's also a learning tool, particularly if you answer questions in many different fields.

And I have always liked helping people. In this case, I'm helping people all over the world - I may never meet them, but this is immaterial.

I also find that
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Yes, I'm a Kudoz point grabber, too, as well as a BrowniZ one

Like the author, I can't resist a challenge and answering questions is a challenge. It's also a learning tool, particularly if you answer questions in many different fields.

And I have always liked helping people. In this case, I'm helping people all over the world - I may never meet them, but this is immaterial.

I also find that after/during a big (OK, heavy) translation job, Kudoz are a fresh breeze, and they clear my mind to get back to that heavy job.

If the challenge is too much, you can always comment on other answers (easier to do, but remember what Henry James said : the 3 most important things in life are : be kind, be kind, be kind). In that case, you get only BrowniZ but you can always use them to put in bids or to reduce the cost of your Platinum membership.

severn (X)
severn (X)
United States
Local time: 19:22
German to English
+ ...
Seeing other translators 'in action' is a valuable way to learn Jan 11, 2006

I just read this article and have to say that I too agree with everything that was said. Even though I am just starting out with a whopping 3 Kudoz points , I really enjoy reading the questions and answers and thinking about how I would answer a question.

Kudoz and the open glossary have saved me many times already with some term I was really stuck on, but what is almost more beneficial, I find, is the chance to see h
... See more
I just read this article and have to say that I too agree with everything that was said. Even though I am just starting out with a whopping 3 Kudoz points , I really enjoy reading the questions and answers and thinking about how I would answer a question.

Kudoz and the open glossary have saved me many times already with some term I was really stuck on, but what is almost more beneficial, I find, is the chance to see how other translators think through the same problem. It is a really great learning experience to see how other, more experienced translators approach a terminology problem, and I have learned so much about translation techniques just from Kudoz. I've come to the realization over and over again that things are rarely as simple as they seem at first glance.

It is a fun game, but it is also a great way to learn not just about a language (or languages) but also how to translate well, how to research well, and how to communicate well.

Mónica Algazi
Mónica Algazi  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:22
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
Great article Sep 20, 2009

I felt 100% identified with Matt's article. His analysis clearly reflects what many of us feel yet had not been able to fully figure out until now.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Matt.

Morano El-Kholy
Morano El-Kholy  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:22
Member (2011)
English to Arabic
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Thanks to you Matt. Apr 28, 2012

Thanks to you Matt..This is really a very expressive & good article. I definitely agree with you though my opinion came too late! I have just read your wonderful article. You had conveyed all our thoughts in a very straightforward & honest way.
Really, I am very delighted with what I have read. My best wishes for you in grabbing more Kudoz points.


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Article: Confessions of a 'KudoZ point grabber'

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