Translation glossary: General expressions

Showing entries 151-200 of 444
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desdobrando os registros de bastidoresgiving a peek behind the scenes 
Portuguese to English
desenvolver, envolverenvolver - involve 
Portuguese to English
desestruturação psicóticapsychotic break/breakdown 
Portuguese to English
Deu a lógicapredictably 
Portuguese to English
discurso de agradecimentothank you speech 
Portuguese to English
does the site look uniqueo site tem uma aparencia característica de..... 
English to Portuguese
dose cavalarshort-shrifted again/bears the brunt/takes the rap/ pays the price in spades/foots the bill/gets squ 
Portuguese to English
dotadossuch as 
Portuguese to English
drilled to fairness and logicrigorosamente condicionado pelo imparcialidade e lógica 
English to Portuguese
Dudevorce"amigovórcio" (para manter a piada) 
English to Portuguese
E na febre precipitada dos instantes"and caught up in the moment...." 
Portuguese to English
EIXOcores/core factors 
Portuguese to English
elevadohigh and very high 
Portuguese to English
em pesquisa aos cartóriosdeed search 
Portuguese to English
em regime de chamadaon call service 
Portuguese to English
em terceiro grauthird cousin (but check the chart) 
Portuguese to English
embaloshe was always geting up to something (no good) 
Portuguese to English
encalhadaon the shelf 
Portuguese to English
end of the bottom centerno fundo do corredor central da loja. 
English to Portuguese
end up all over the showficam totalmente espalhados 
English to Portuguese
engoli um sapo pela fosseta lacrimalI was gob-smacked! 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Espevitadaa real live wire 
Portuguese to English
Estado capazCapable State 
Portuguese to English
Estado Degredado de Operaçaorun down condition/state 
Portuguese to English
Evento Pontualoccasional event 
Portuguese to English
EXP RubiEXP Ruby Cremation urn 
Portuguese to English
facts and fadsfatos e tendenciais 
English to Portuguese
falava de forma anasaladaspoke with a nasal twang 
Portuguese to English
fantochadapantomime but I like charade! 
Portuguese to English
fazendo um chinfrim do caraçasmaking a god-awful racket 
Portuguese to English
fazia duetosworked together/teamed up 
Portuguese to English
feedbackanálise crítica 
English to Portuguese
first trials followprimeiros ensaios seguem 
English to Portuguese
fly too close to the sunnão ser demasiado ambicioso 
English to Portuguese
forromantle (more poetic) 
Portuguese to English
frantic sendingoffdespedida frenética 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
free-from products"sem" 
English to Portuguese
frenteregarding (safe bet) 
Portuguese to English
frequentavaused to go to 
Portuguese to English
From having to delveprocurar 
English to Portuguese
gained infamyganhou notoriedade 
English to Portuguese
Garanta um bom retorno ao laboratórioGuarantee a good return on your investment 
Portuguese to English
Gestão com PúblicosPublic Administration 
Portuguese to English
gestão realizadathe management undertaken/carried out 
Portuguese to English
get out ina passear 
English to Portuguese
get shivvedfoi esfaqueado 
English to Portuguese
get through to someonecomunicar 
English to Portuguese
global Britaincomo Saqueadores Globais 
English to Portuguese
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