Translation glossary: CS-EN medical/pharmaceutical

Showing entries 251-300 of 1,180
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ezetimibezetimibe [for high blood cholesterol] 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
FA, farmakologická anamnézamedication history 
Czech to English
FabrazimFabrazyme (agalsidase beta) [for Fabry disease] 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
falešná pozitivitafalse positive rate, FPR 
Czech to English
farmakokineticky řízená léčbapharmacokinetics-driven treatment, PK-driven treatment 
Czech to English
farmakokinetika nultého řáduzero-order (pharmaco)kinetics 
Czech to English
farmakologická verze FSpharmacological cardioversion of atrial fibrillation (AF) 
Czech to English   Medical: Cardiology
Czech to English
farmakoverzepharmacological cardioversion 
Czech to English   Medical: Cardiology
fúzní genfusion gene 
Czech to English
FBLR, fyziatrie, balneologie, léčebná rehabilitacephysiatry, balneology, therapeutic rehabilitation 
Czech to English
fenprokumonphenprocoumon [anticoagulant] 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
feroterapieiron therapy 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
ferroterapieiron therapy 
Czech to English
FF, fyziologické funkcephysiological functions 
Czech to English
FH, francouzské holeelbow crutches 
Czech to English
fibrilace síní s komorovou odpevědíatrial fibrillation with ventricular response 
Czech to English
fibrotizacefibrosis, fibrotic scarring 
Czech to English
Filadelfský chromozomPhiladelphia chromosome 
Czech to English
FIS, FiS, fibrilace síníAFib, AF, atrial fibrillation 
Czech to English
FK, fetální krevfetal blood 
Czech to English
fluidokoagulační rovnováhafluido-coagulant balance 
Czech to English
fluoresenční průtoková cytometriefluorescence-based flow cytometry 
Czech to English
fokálně segmentální glomeruloskleróza, FSGSfocal segmental glomerulosclerosis, FSGS 
Czech to English
fokálně segmentálně fibrinoidní nekróza kapilárních trsůfocal segmental fibrinoid necrosis of capillary tufts 
Czech to English
fosfenytoinfosphenytoin [for treatment of epileptic seizures] 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
fraktura štěpugraft fracture 
Czech to English
FS perm.permanent atrial fibrillation 
Czech to English
funkční ovariální cystafunctional ovarian cyst 
Czech to English
funkční syncytium, funkční soubunífunctional syncytium 
Czech to English
GA, gynekologická anamnézagynaecological history 
Czech to English
gadolinium vychytávající lézegadolinium-enhancing lesion [multiple sclerosis] 
Czech to English
ganglioplegikaganglioplegics, ganglionic blockers 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
gatranygatrans [oral anticoagulants: direct thrombin inhibitors] 
Czech to English
Czech to English
genové fúze NTRKNTRK gene fusions 
Czech to English   Genetics
geografická atrofie, GAgeographic atrophy, GA [macular degeneration] 
Czech to English
gestační hypertenzegestational hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension 
Czech to English
glandokavernózní shuntshunt from the glans to the corpora cavernosa 
Czech to English
glaukom s otevřeným úhlemopen-angle glaucoma 
Czech to English
glichidongliquidone [antidiabetic] 
Czech to English   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
glitazonyglitazones, thiazolidinediones 
Czech to English
glutathion peroxidázaglutathione peroxidase 
Czech to English
glykosylovaná proformaglycosylated proform 
Czech to English
glykovaný hemoglobinglycated haemoglobin, HbA1c 
Czech to English
gramnegativní tyčkyGram-negative bacilli, Gram-negative rods 
Czech to English
Guillainův–Barrého syndromGuillain-Barré syndrome 
Czech to English
Hashimotova thyreoiditisHashimoto\'s thyroiditis, Hashimoto\'s disease 
Czech to English
HŠŽ, hormony štítné žlázythyroid hormones 
Czech to English
hřbet nohyupper surface of the foot, dorsum of the foot, dorsal surface of the foot 
Czech to English
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