Translation glossary: English >English medical glossary

Showing entries 1-17 of 17
Buristisa bursa is a small bag full of liquid which acts as a cushion between the boneds and moving parts. Bursitis is when the bursa becomes inflamed 
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeThis is the name given to problems which make hands or wrists go numb, tingle, go weak or cause pain to these areas. 
fibromyalgiaThis is a chronic disease that causes pain, fatigue and other symptoms 
English   Medical (general)
Herniated diskThe spine is made up of bones called vertebra and between these bones are discs filled with jelly whose purpose is to act as a a cushion. Over time these discs wear down and lead to back pain. A herniated disc is when the discs ahave ruptured and this leads to irritation of nearby nerves. 
Herniated diskThe spine is made up of bones called vertebra and between these bones are discs filled with jelly whose purpose is to act as a a cushion. Over time these discs wear down and lead to back pain. A herniated disc is when the discs ahave ruptured and this leads to irritation of nearby nerves. 
LupusLupus is a chronic autoimmune disease which is one in which your immune system attacks healthy tissue in different parts of your body. 
LupusLupus is a chronic autoimmune disease which is one in which your immune system attacks healthy tissue in different parts of your body. 
Muscular dystrophyMuscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of many different genetic diseases which cause weakness in the muscles and over time may make it difficult for the sufferer to carry out normal activities such as walking 
Muscular dystrophyMuscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of many different genetic diseases which cause weakness in the muscles and over time may make it difficult for the sufferer to carry out normal activities such as walking 
osteoporosisA disease in which your bones become weak and can fracture easily 
English   Medical (general)
osteoporosisA disease in which your bones become weak and can fracture easily 
English   Medical (general)
Rheumatoid ArthritisA form of arthritis which causes pain, swelling stiffness and loss of function in your joints 
English   Medical (general)
Rheumatoid ArthritisA form of arthritis which causes pain, swelling stiffness and loss of function in your joints 
English   Medical (general)
rotator cuffThe rotator cuff is a groupm of tendons attached to the shoulder which enable it to move in a painless way 
English   Medical (general)
rotator cuffThe rotator cuff is a groupm of tendons attached to the shoulder which enable it to move in a painless way 
English   Medical (general)
ScoliosisScoliosis causes the backbone to curve sidewards 
English   Medical (general)
StrainA strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon, not to be confused with a sprain which is a stetched or torn ligament 
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