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Spoken Dialogue Recording and Transcription, 150 GBP for 10h Work

Göndərildi: Mar 11, 2025 16:06 GMT   (GMT: Mar 11, 2025 16:06)

Job type: Tərcümə/redaktə/korrektə işi
Services required: Transcription, Native speaker conversation

Dillər: English, Spanish

İş təsviri:
We are collecting spoken dialogue data to improve AI's ability to understand natural conversations. Participants will be tasked to create simulated dialogues with an AI health assistant on various health-related topics. Our goal is to create inclusive AI systems that accurately reflect the speech patterns of native speakers from diverse dialects. It takes approximately 10 hours for the task in total and you will be paid 150 pounds for your effort. Tasks can be completed at your own pace over multiple days.

Requirements: We are seeking native English or Spanish speakers (18+). No prior experience is required, but participants must have a quiet recording environment.

The dialogues are purely hypothetical and involve no personal experiences or personal information. Your voice will be recorded and will be shared publicly solely for research purposes.

If you’re interested, please complete the following Google Form: [HIDDEN]

All information you provide in the Google Form is solely for eligibility checks and participant selection. It will be kept confidential, shared only with the research team, and deleted after the project’s completion.

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Ödəmə metodu: ProZ*Pay
Payment terms: 14 günlər çatdırılma tarixindən.
Hədəflənmiş servis təchizatçısı (iş göndərənin müəyyən etdiyi)
info Tələb olunan doğma dil: Mənbə dil(lər)i
Mövzu sahəsi: health
Təklif tarixi: Mar 18, 2025 15:58 GMT
Çatdırılma tarixi: Mar 31, 2025 15:53 GMT
Əlavə tələblər:
Participants must have access to a quiet recording environment and a computer with a functioning microphone, as your voice will be recorded for this project.
Nümunə mətn: Bu mətni tərcümə etmək tələb olunmur
assistant: Good morning! I'm your AI healthcare assistant. How may I assist you today?

user: Hi, hello. I wonder if you could help me. Recently I've been experiencing severe diarrhea and I feel weak through the entire week. And I'm worried about if I could get the cholerae and could you please give me some advice what should I do?

assistant: I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Cholera is indeed characterized by severe diarrhea. It's important to seek medical attention promptly...
Daha çox məlumat üçün bax: URL göstərilməyib

İşəgötürən haqqında:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

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