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2-hour Business Town Hall Meeting, English > FrenchEU

Göndərildi: Mar 11, 2025 14:18 GMT   (GMT: Mar 11, 2025 14:18)

Job type: Potensial İş
Service required: Translation

Dillər: English to French

Dil variantı: European French

İş təsviri:
Later this month, either on Friday, March 21st or Monday, March 24th, we will be getting a corporate town hall style video that will be in English.

The video is expected to be between 90 minutes and 120 minutes long.

We will be able to send you an English .srt subtitle file. We just need you to replace the English with your translations in FrenchEU. You do not have to change any timecodes.

When we will be able to send you this is yet to be determined, as we don't know the exact time of day that the client will be sending us their video.

To get an estimate on how quickly this can be completed, please let me know how many minutes of video you would be able to translate, on rush turnaround, per calendar day and let me know what your rush rate would be in US dollars per video minute.

It is likely that due to the client's need for a rush turnaround, we will be assigning different parts of this project to multiple linguists.

I'm using calendar days here since we may be getting the video on a Friday and the client wants this completed as soon as possible, so we may have to deliver on a weekend.

We can pay you via Paypal, corporate check, or bank transfer Net 30 days after when we receive your invoice after you turn in the completed project. please note that we do not cover any transaction fees issued by banks. We also do not work with TransferWise, Payoneer, or Skrill.

Payment terms: 30 günlər faktura tarixindən.
Poster country: United States

Hədəflənmiş servis təchizatçısı (iş göndərənin müəyyən etdiyi)
Üzvlük: Yalnız (ödənişli) üzvləri təklif bildirə bilər
Mövzu sahəsi: Business/Commerce (general)
Təklif tarixi: Mar 14, 2025 04:00 GMT
Əlavə tələblər:
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İşəgötürən haqqında:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Translations Coordinator