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Multilingual Paragraph Translation (Q3) GB/DE/FR/ES/IT/JA/KO/ZH/PT

Göndərildi: Mar 4, 2025 06:51 GMT   (GMT: Mar 4, 2025 06:51)

Job type: Tərcümə/redaktə/korrektə işi
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, Sworn/Certified Translation

Dillər: German to English, German to French, German to Spanish, Italian to English, Japanese to English, Korean to Chinese, Korean to English, Korean to Japanese, Portuguese to Chinese, Spanish to English, Spanish to French, Spanish to German

Dil variantı: English(British), Brazilian Portugese

İş təsviri:
Flitto is looking for translators who have a high fluency in [source language], and are native in [target language] to participate in our new project: Long Context Translation (LCT).
*Professional knowledge is not required for the translation itself, as this is not a professional translation project. However, since it involves paragraph translation, it does require ‘contextual consideration’.

Please read the short job description and send your proposal to me if you’re interested.

*Task type: Long Context Translation (LCT)
-LCT tasks involve translating longer segments of text, within the context of the document.
-These may consist of multiple sentences or paragraphs separated by new lines, accompanied by contextual paragraphs from the same document.
-The task requires translation with consideration of context within a domain-specific framework, demanding a high level of fluency.

*Job details:
-Purpose : Collecting AI training dataset
-Work Location: Fully Remote
-Work Type: Freelancer Contract (work at any time at any place up to your circumstances)
-Especially ideal for those who want to earn extra income other than their regular job
**This is neither a professional translation nor a localization project; it is a translation task for collecting AI training datasets.

*Language Pair: [source language] → [target language]
Please read the short job description and fill in the Google form (link below) if you’re interested.

*Task type: HT (Human Translation) for Long Context
(There are various types of tasks, and we will request them in order)
*Language Pair: [source language] → [target language]
-German to English (British) (de_DE-en_GB)
-German to French (de_DE-fr_FR)
-German to Spanish (de_DE-es_ES)
-Spanish to German (es_ES-de_DE)
-Spanish to English (British) (es_ES-en_GB)
-Spanish to French (es_ES-fr_FR)
-Italian to English (British) (it_IT-en_GB)
-Japanese to English (British) (ja_JP-en_GB)
-Korean to English (British) (ko_KR-en_GB)
-Korean to Japanese (ko_KR-ja_JP)
-Korean to Chinese (Simplified) (ko_KR-zh_CN)
-Brazilian Portuguese to Chinese (Simplified) (pt_BR-zh_CN)

*You will work on Flitto's platform or an Excel file.

*Price in below(Budget and payment details) is calculated in average word/character per string (=13 words on average/=17 characters on average) so the ACTUAL PRICE per string can be DIFFERENT.
Details will be specified in the budget part.

*Those who pass the test with exceptional scores may receive a Review(RV) task too.

*The standard crowd and higher level will be determined according to internal evaluation criteria.
Internal evaluation criteria will not be separately provided.

*Preferred qualifications:
-a high level of language fluency in [source language] and native in [target language] would be preferred.
-Holders of master's or doctoral degrees related to translation, interpretation, localization, and linguistics.
-Applicants with proven extensive translation experience.
-Certified proficiency in the language (CEFR C2 level) demonstrated

*Specific guidelines will be given when it is ready.

*If you're interested, please fill in the Google form (link below).

Thank you.

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Ödəmə metodu: PayPal vasitəsilə online
Payment terms: 60 günlər faktura tarixindən.
Poster country: South Korea

Hədəflənmiş servis təchizatçısı (iş göndərənin müəyyən etdiyi)
Üzvlük: Qeyri-üzvlər 12 saatdan sonra təklif bildirə bilər
Mövzu sahəsi: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Təklif tarixi: Dec 29, 2025 15:00 GMT
Çatdırılma tarixi: Dec 30, 2025 15:00 GMT
Əlavə tələblər:
*Preferred qualifications:
-Holders of master's or doctoral degrees related to translation, interpretation, localization, and linguistics.
-Applicants with proven extensive translation experience.
-Certified proficiency in the language (CEFR C2 level) demonstrated
İşəgötürən haqqında:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.5 out of 5

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