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Quality Raters in Bulgaria - Bulgarian speakers (WFH)

Göndərildi: Mar 3, 2025 14:27 GMT   (GMT: Mar 3, 2025 14:27)
Yoxlama və bildirişlər buraya göndərildi: Mar 3, 2025 15:31 GMT

Job type: Tərcümə/redaktə/korrektə işi
Service required: Checking/editing

Dillər: Bulgarian

İş təsviri:
Qualification Path
No previous professional experience is required to apply to this role, however, working on this project will require you to pass the basic requirements and go through a standard assessment process. This is a part-time long-term project and your work will be subject to our standard quality assurance checks during the term of this agreement.

Basic Requirements
- Working as a freelancer with excellent communication skills in Bulgarian
- Being a resident in Bulgaria for the last 5 consecutive years and having familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media, and cultural affairs in Bulgaria
- Active use of Gmail, Google+, and other forms of social media and experience in the use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content
- Daily access to a broadband internet connection, a smartphone (Android 5.0, iOS 14 or higher), and a personal computer to work on.

In order to be hired into the program, you’ll take a language assessment and an open book qualification exam that will determine your suitability for the position and complete ID verification. You'll also be invited for a short video interview so we can get to know each other better and have a short conversation in German. Don’t worry, our team will provide you with guidelines and learning materials before your exam. You will be required to complete the exam in a specific timeframe but at your convenience!

>> Interested to apply? Send your CV to [HIDDEN] along with the Job Post Title, "Quality Raters in Bulgaria - Bulgarian speakers (WFH)" + PROZ as the EMAIL TITLE

Ödəmə metodu: Digər
Hədəflənmiş servis təchizatçısı (iş göndərənin müəyyən etdiyi)
Mövzu sahəsi: IT (Information Technology)
Təklif tarixi: Mar 30, 2025 14:25 GMT
Çatdırılma tarixi: Mar 31, 2025 14:25 GMT
İşəgötürən haqqında:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.6 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Sourcing Specialist

Alınmış təkliflər: 1