Job closed
This job was closed at Mar 4, 2025 06:00 GMT.

Prompt Author/Writer Dutch

Göndərildi: Jan 23, 2025 01:13 GMT   (GMT: Jan 23, 2025 01:13)

Job type: Tərcümə/redaktə/korrektə işi
Services required: Checking/editing, Summarization, Copywriting
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Dillər: Dutch

İş təsviri:
Join project Gaia and Make an Impact on AI Innovation!

At OneForma, we are seeking talented individuals to join our remote project and help enhance AI capabilities by crafting high-quality prompts for natural language processing (NLP) applications.

Purpose: Contribute to improving Large Language Models (LLMs) through prompt creation, refinement, and analysis.

Location: Remote - Open to contributors globally who are native speakers of: Dutch (Belgium and Netherlands)

Time Commitment:
A minimum of 4–5 hours per day.

Main Requirements:
• 1. Native proficiency in one of the listed languages ​​and an understanding or cultural nuances
• 2. Bachelor's degree in English, Journalism, Linguistics, Computer Science, or related field (or equivalent experience)
• 3. Strong analytical and creative problem-solving skills
• 4. Detail-oriented with a commitment to delivering high-quality results
• 5. Willingness to attend online learning sessions and complete required certifications

The payment is based on the approved hit per each accepted task - from $4.00 to $72.00.

How To Get Started

Head to [HIDDEN] and create a profile.
Make sure to complete your profile (100%). Ensure that your native language is set to Dutch (Belgium) in your profile settings, and that you upload your CV as well.
2. Apply to the job: [HIDDEN]
3. Complete the necessary certifications.

Feel free to write us an email if you have any questions at: [HIDDEN]

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Hədəflənmiş servis təchizatçısı (iş göndərənin müəyyən etdiyi)
Üzvlük: Qeyri-üzvlər 12 saatdan sonra təklif bildirə bilər
info Tələb olunan doğma dil: Dutch
Mövzu sahəsi: Linguistics
Təklif tarixi: Apr 1, 2025 08:55 GMT
Çatdırılma tarixi: Apr 2, 2025 08:55 GMT
İşəgötürən haqqında:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.