translation contests »
17th Translation Contest: "The Sounds of Silence" » English to Portuguese (BR)

Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced.

Discussion and feedback about the competition in this language pair may now be provided by visiting the "Discussion & feedback" page for this pair. Entries may also be individually discussed by clicking the "Discuss" link next to any listed entry.

Source text in English

A theme of the age, at least in the developed world, is that people crave silence and can find none. The roar of traffic, the ceaseless beep of phones, digital announcements in buses and trains, TV sets blaring even in empty offices, are an endless battery and distraction. The human race is exhausting itself with noise and longs for its opposite—whether in the wilds, on the wide ocean or in some retreat dedicated to stillness and concentration. Alain Corbin, a history professor, writes from his refuge in the Sorbonne, and Erling Kagge, a Norwegian explorer, from his memories of the wastes of Antarctica, where both have tried to escape.

And yet, as Mr Corbin points out in "A History of Silence", there is probably no more noise than there used to be. Before pneumatic tyres, city streets were full of the deafening clang of metal-rimmed wheels and horseshoes on stone. Before voluntary isolation on mobile phones, buses and trains rang with conversation. Newspaper-sellers did not leave their wares in a mute pile, but advertised them at top volume, as did vendors of cherries, violets and fresh mackerel. The theatre and the opera were a chaos of huzzahs and barracking. Even in the countryside, peasants sang as they drudged. They don’t sing now.

What has changed is not so much the level of noise, which previous centuries also complained about, but the level of distraction, which occupies the space that silence might invade. There looms another paradox, because when it does invade—in the depths of a pine forest, in the naked desert, in a suddenly vacated room—it often proves unnerving rather than welcome. Dread creeps in; the ear instinctively fastens on anything, whether fire-hiss or bird call or susurrus of leaves, that will save it from this unknown emptiness. People want silence, but not that much.

The winning entry has been announced in this pair.

There were 24 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase, 7 of which were selected by peers to advance to the finals round. The winning entry was determined based on finals round voting by peers.

Competition in this pair is now closed.

Entries (24 total; 7 finalists) Expand all entries

Entry #22898 — Discuss 0
Matheus Chaud
Matheus Chaud
Voting points1st2nd3rd
8818 x46 x24 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.853.89 (27 ratings)3.81 (26 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 11 "like" tags
  • 11 users agreed with "likes" (22 total agrees)
  • 4 users disagreed with "likes" (16 total disagrees)
Um tema bastante atual
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
um desejo que não conseguem realizar
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
O barulho do trânsito, anúncios digitais em ônibus e trens, telefones tocando sem parar e televisores com som alto, mesmo em escritórios vazios, nos distraem e agridem os nossos ouvidos o tempo todo
Flows well
Joana Araujo
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
o burburinho das conversas tomava conta dos ônibus e trens
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
; pelo contrário,
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
durante seu árduo trabalho.
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
seja no coração de uma floresta
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
causa inquietação, em vez de ser bem-vinda
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Por instinto, o ouvido se prende a todo e qualquer ruído
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
que consiga poupá-lo desse estranho vazio.
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #23573 — Discuss 0
Regina Boltz
Regina Boltz
Voting points1st2nd3rd
448 x45 x22 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.503.55 (22 ratings)3.45 (22 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 16 users agreed with "likes" (28 total agrees)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
nossa busca infrutífera pelo tão almejado silêncio.
Good term selection
Excelente ​tradução d​e "people ​crave sile​nce and ca​n find non​e". Só que​m traduz p​alavra por​ palavra n​ão sabe da​r valor a ​esse tipo ​de traduçã​o. Parabén​s.
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
"Histoire du Silence"
Good term selection
Boa, procu​rou o títu​lo origina​l.
Isabel Machado (X)
que já fora
Flows well
Beautiful ​choice of ​verb tense​, so rare ​nowadays..​.
Matheus Chaud
mas na dose certa
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
Entry #22331 — Discuss 0
Voting points1st2nd3rd
324 x45 x26 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.613.62 (21 ratings)3.60 (20 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 4 users entered 9 "like" tags
  • 8 users agreed with "likes" (18 total agrees)
  • 3 users disagreed with "likes" (3 total disagrees)
Um dos assuntos do século
Good term selection
Beatrix Porto
Good term selection
não é "ter​m", mas po​ntuação pe​rtinente, ​bastante u​sada em po​rtuguês.
Joana Araujo
para os quais eles tentaram fugir.
Good term selection
Boa regênc​ia verbal
Joana Araujo
Antes do isolamento voluntário das pessoas em seus celulares
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
a plenos pulmões
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
vivas e vaias
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
E aí paira outro paradoxo
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
O medo entra sorrateiramente
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #22729 — Discuss 0
Voting points1st2nd3rd
325 x44 x24 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.563.57 (21 ratings)3.55 (20 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 12 "like" tags
  • 9 users agreed with "likes" (24 total agrees)
  • 4 users disagreed with "likes" (8 total disagrees)
Um assunto do momento
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
tudo isso
Flows well
Raul Alencar
Flows well
esses foram os refúgios para onde ambos tentaram escapar
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
eram repletos de conversas
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
em alto e bom som
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
gritos e balbúrdia
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
trabalhavam de sol a sol.
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
tudo para sentir-se a salvo desse vazio desconhecido
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #23129 — Discuss 0
Voting points1st2nd3rd
252 x45 x27 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.463.43 (23 ratings)3.48 (23 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 4 users entered 6 "like" tags
  • 8 users agreed with "likes" (16 total agrees)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
A History of Silenc
Good job k​eeping the​ title in ​English. I​t shouldn'​t be trans​lated, sin​ce it wasn​'t release​d in Brazi​l
Link: https://ww​w.duolingo​.com/comme​nt/1567044​/DTTBT-Don​-t-transla​te-the-boo​k-titles
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Wilka Soares
vivas e vaias
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Raul Alencar
Good term selection
Wilka Soares
Entry #23908 — Discuss 0
Voting points1st2nd3rd
242 x46 x24 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.513.52 (21 ratings)3.50 (20 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 11 "like" tags
  • 6 users agreed with "likes" (7 total agrees)
  • 4 users disagreed with "likes" (6 total disagrees)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
televisores berrando
Good term selection
Goyta' F. Villela Jr.
são um sem-fim de agressões e perturbações
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
ônibus e trens vibravam com o falatório das pessoas
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
ônibus e trens vibravam com o falatório das pessoas
Good term selection
Goyta' F. Villela Jr.
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
casas de ópera
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
hurras e gritarias
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Hoje, não cantam mais.
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Aí paira um outro paradoxo
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #22406 — Discuss 0
Voting points1st2nd3rd
101 x41 x24 x1
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.483.52 (25 ratings)3.44 (25 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
na universidade parisiense de Sorbonne
Flows well
Good choic​e. Sorbonn​e isn't pa​rt of our ​culture, s​o a descri​ptive tran​slation en​hances use​r understa​nding of t​he context​. This tra​nslation p​rocedure i​s well doc​umented in​ the liter​ature - so​me call it​ "culture-​specific c​oncepts" :​)
Link: http://www​.jostrans.​org/issue2​1/art_comi​tre.pdf
Matheus Chaud
Flows well
Num geral,​ o texto é​ bem escri​to e flui ​muito bem.
Isabel Machado (X)

Non-finalist entries

The following entries were not selected by peers to advance to finals-round voting.

Entry #22387 — Discuss 0
Bruno Fuschini
Bruno Fuschini
United Kingdom
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.403.50 (20 ratings)3.29 (21 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 4 "like" tags
  • 8 users agreed with "likes" (9 total agrees)
os aparelhos de TV ligados mesmo em escritórios vazios
Flows well
Goyta' F. Villela Jr.
Good term selection
Regina Boltz
Good term selection
Regina Boltz
a plenos pulmões
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Entry #23368 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.273.26 (23 ratings)3.27 (22 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 4 "like" tags
  • 5 users agreed with "likes" (9 total agrees)
  • 3 users disagreed with "likes" (4 total disagrees)
Um tema atual
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
são uma interminável fonte de irritação e distração
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
conversas preenchiam ônibus e trens
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
muitas vezes mostra-se enervante, em vez de bem-vindo
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #23290 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.263.11 (18 ratings)3.41 (17 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 5 users agreed with "likes" (6 total agrees)
  • 4 users disagreed with "likes" (5 total disagrees)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
Antes de nos isolarmos voluntariamente diante dos celulares
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
ônibus e trens enchiam-se de conversa
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
a plenos pulmões
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Entry #23791 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.213.14 (22 ratings)3.27 (22 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (5 total agrees)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
Uma questão desta era
Good term selection
Beatrix Porto
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Entry #23968 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.213.16 (19 ratings)3.26 (19 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
as ruas das cidades estavam cheias dos tinidos ensurdecedores das rodas de metal e das ferraduras de cavalo batendo nas pedras
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #24284 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.213.18 (22 ratings)3.23 (22 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (6 total agrees)
pneus de borracha,
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Flows well
Consider p​ut a comma​ after tre​ns.
Alberto Pimentel
a plenos pulmões
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
hurras e barracos
Good term selection
Adaptou o ​significad​o e a pron​úncia. Per​feita esco​lha!
Isabel Machado (X)
também motivo de queixa nos séculos anteriores
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #22418 — Discuss 0
Marina Borges
Marina Borges
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.153.06 (18 ratings)3.24 (17 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 8 "like" tags
  • 4 users agreed with "likes" (11 total agrees)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (3 total disagrees)
na natureza
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
lugares para os quais os dois tentaram escapar.
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
"A History of Silence" (ainda sem tradução no Brasil)
Boa. Mostr​a que você​ pesquisou​ e se impo​rta com o ​leitor, ca​so ele que​ira procur​ar o livro​.
Matheus Chaud
rodas pneumáticas
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
a plenos pulmões
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
frutas, flores e peixe fresco
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Regina Boltz
Entry #22739 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.093.11 (18 ratings)3.06 (17 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 4 "like" tags
  • 4 users agreed with "likes" (6 total agrees)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (4 total disagrees)
Um tema da atualidade
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
bateria de sons
Good term selection
Wilka Soares
"A History of Silence" ("História do Silêncio", em tradução livre)
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
do qual as gerações anteriores também reclamavam
Flows well
Good solut​ion to avo​id "século​s reclamav​am". It pr​eserves th​e intended​ meaning a​nd sounds ​natural in​ Portugues​e.
Matheus Chaud
Entry #22322 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.083.21 (19 ratings)2.95 (19 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
vibravam com vozes humanas
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
em uma pilha muda
Flows well
Mariana Passos
Entry #24028 — Discuss 0
Mariana Rego
Mariana Rego
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.053.00 (21 ratings)3.10 (21 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 5 users agreed with "likes" (10 total agrees)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
Uma questão atual
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
buscam ansiosamente o silêncio
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
locais onde ambos tentaram se refugiar
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Flows well
Mayra Vieira Borges
Entry #22666 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.983.22 (23 ratings)2.74 (23 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 4 users agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
O tema do século
Good term selection
Beatrix Porto
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
Entry #24062 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.882.75 (8 ratings)3.00 (8 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
cheias do barulho ensurdecedor de rodas com aros de metal e ferraduras batendo na pedra
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #23761 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.742.67 (6 ratings)2.80 (5 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 3 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
Good term selection
Isabel Machado (X)
também se queixaram
Good term selection
Mariana Rego
mas nem tanto assim
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #23882 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.742.80 (5 ratings)2.67 (6 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
Flows well
Regina Boltz
Entry #23215 — Discuss 0
Andre Lisboa
Andre Lisboa
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.712.71 (7 ratings)2.71 (7 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 2 users agreed with "likes" (2 total agrees)
havia o burburinho das conversas nos ônibus e trens
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Good term selection
Matheus Chaud
ocupando o espaço que poderia ser da quietude
Flows well
Matheus Chaud
Entry #22595 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.332.25 (4 ratings)2.40 (5 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
Rastejando, entra o pavor
Flows well
Isabel Machado (X)
Entry #24152 — Discuss 0
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry1.801.80 (5 ratings)1.80 (5 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
A History of Silence
Good job k​eeping the​ title in ​English. I​t shouldn'​t be trans​lated, sin​ce it wasn​'t release​d in Brazi​l.
Link: https://ww​​om/History​-Silence-R​enaissance​-Present-D​ay/dp/1509​517367/ref​=sr_1_1?s=​books&ie=U​TF8&qid=15​30920552&s​r=1-1
Matheus Chaud
Até no campo os peões cantavam enquanto labutavam
Flows well