Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 26 '17 ron>eng (proprietate comună în) devălmășie undivided estates pro just_closed no
- Mar 21 '15 ron>eng instituţia infracţiunii institution of offence pro closed ok
- Apr 4 '14 ron>eng opinie referitoare la tratamentul fiscal al operatiunilor de asigurare notice concernig tax traeatment of the insurance products (contracts) pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '14 ron>eng s-au depus la dosar added to the case file pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '13 ron>eng a statua to rule pro just_closed no
4 Nov 9 '13 ron>eng a retine acknowledge pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered