Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 17 '13 rus>eng пакет лимфатических узлов cluster of lymph nodes pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '12 rus>eng Вечный двигатель успеха Ever Driving Forward pro closed ok
4 May 20 '12 rus>eng редакционный характер editing inconsistencies pro closed ok
- May 13 '12 rus>eng методом исключения возможных причин .... by ruling out (all) other possible causes pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '11 rus>eng отстояться до осаждения (allow the solution) to stand until any undissolved mater settles pro closed no
- Apr 10 '10 rus>eng лекарственное средство vs. лекарственный препарат pharmaceutical means/products versus pharmaceutical preparations pro closed no
4 Apr 5 '10 rus>eng купировались самостоятельно пациентом путем приема углеводов. hypoglycemic conditions were interrupted when the patients took it upon themeselves to take carbohy- pro closed ok
4 Apr 5 '10 rus>eng уровень углеводного обмена, соответствующий компенсации. (attain) a (measured) carbohydrate exchange consistent with the compensation pro closed ok
4 Apr 5 '10 rus>eng Максимум действия препарата peak effect(s) of the drug pro closed ok
4 Mar 30 '10 rus>eng распыляет медленно движущуюся аэрозоль inhaler releases a slow aeresol (stream) pro closed ok
4 Mar 19 '10 rus>eng при возникновении вопроса об отнесении их к прекурсорам in the event that a question arises regarding their classification as precursors pro closed ok
4 Jan 23 '10 rus>eng помещения для работы с бактериологическим материалом biohazard (containment) rooms pro closed ok
4 Jan 5 '10 rus>eng исследования, когда препарат широко доступен пациентам до его регистрации clinical trials when the medication is widely accessible to patients prior to registration pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '09 rus>eng опрессовка распылителя atomizer (nozzle) pro just_closed no
- Dec 5 '09 rus>eng что в данной группе было дополнено whereas the group in question received a second supplementary round of treatment pro closed no
- Dec 3 '09 rus>eng Желтуха была от умеренно интенсивной до выраженной Jaundice was moderate to pronounced pro closed ok
4 Dec 3 '09 rus>eng глюкозо-витаминное питье в достаточном количестве adequate amount of a glucose vitamin supplement drink pro closed ok
4 Dec 1 '09 rus>eng гепатита с исходом в цирроз печени chronic hepatitis resulting in cirrhosis (of the liver) pro closed ok
- Nov 25 '09 rus>eng причиной которой могут быть самые разнообразные факторы triggered by a host of factors pro closed no
2 Nov 11 '09 rus>eng рассасывать dissolved in the mouth easy closed ok
- Oct 24 '09 rus>eng степени мутности жидкостей turbidity level of fluids pro closed ok
4 Sep 6 '09 rus>eng субъектам обращения лекарственных средств Companies handling the distribution of pharmaceuticals pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '09 rus>eng кратность применения elimination half life pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '09 rus>eng особенности применения indications and usage pro closed no
- Jul 16 '09 rus>eng картридж, встроенный в шприц-ручку self-contained syringe cartridge pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered