Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 11 eng>chi Fiddle 古提琴 pro open no
- Feb 22 chi>eng 余证外字第 yu certificate overseas bound no. pro open no
- Jan 30 eng>chi do 哪些有真正的好处,哪些只是看上去好像有好处 pro closed no
- Jun 4 '22 chi>eng 瑞叶五世其昌,祥开二南之化 We wish them well pro open no
- May 10 '17 chi>eng 佛都有火 This is completely unbearable pro closed ok
4 May 3 '17 eng>chi the extent to which FYI pro closed no
- Aug 15 '16 chi>eng 所屬職位角色的重視 emphasis in relation to the roles and function affiliated pro closed ok
- Aug 9 '16 chi>eng 核查与统计数据 统计 pro closed no
- Apr 5 '10 eng>chi This daily rate is pro-ratable at half-day increments during the first 8 hours/ 在第一个8小时到来之前,这个按日计算的报价可以以每半天为一个计算单位累计计算 pro closed no
- Mar 30 '10 chi>eng 日均全程单车收入 日均非全程单车收入 pro closed ok
- May 16 '09 chi>eng 政法委 read the following pro closed ok
- May 16 '09 chi>eng 分管 read the following pro closed ok
4 May 16 '09 chi>eng 鸡头 pimp pro closed ok
- May 14 '09 chi>eng 18m 跨 please read the following pro closed ok
- Mar 29 '09 eng>chi sentence please read the following pro just_closed no
- May 10 '09 chi>eng 破格委 看下面 pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered