Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 20 '16 ita>eng ne avrebbe fatto volontieri a meno e in cuor he would rather not be going at all and deep down pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '14 ita>eng che rinco!! what a dumb f***! pro closed ok
- May 9 '13 ita>eng il fegato ti fiorirà per le soddisfazioni provate kiss your bile problems away pro just_closed no
- Mar 21 '13 ita>eng bisogni latenti underlying needs pro closed no
- Dec 17 '12 ita>eng allargare il proprio raggio d'azione widen its scope of operation easy closed ok
- Nov 8 '11 ita>eng delle novità fecendotele provare showcasing new arrivals letting you try them out pro closed no
- Aug 11 '10 ita>eng Nomenclatore unico Unified Index pro open no
4 Mar 1 '11 ita>eng si torce in scherno twitches mocking... pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '11 ita>eng sono avanti being light years ahead of someone pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '11 ita>eng Siamo caricatissimi! We're all wound up! pro closed ok
NP Oct 12 '10 ita>eng ammalarsi di malaria contracted malaria easy just_closed no
4 Jun 21 '10 ita>eng 'fare pensare' would suggest pro closed ok
- Jul 25 '09 ita>eng complicità compatibility pro closed ok
4 Jul 24 '09 ita>eng in seconda is my second preference easy closed ok
- Jun 6 '09 ita>eng lettera raccomandata certified mail easy closed no
- May 19 '09 ita>eng diversamente abile disabled pro closed ok
- May 5 '09 ita>eng sguardi da gatta cougar stare pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '09 ita>eng fuori corso (universitario) unmatriculated students pro closed ok
- Dec 30 '08 ita>eng persone del calibro di people of stature such as pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '08 ita>eng mangiare la pappa in capo bite the dust pro closed ok
4 Mar 5 '08 ita>eng le ossessioni della libertà amorosa free-love obsessions pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '07 ita>eng un esercizio di stile a stylish prototype pro open no
- Dec 25 '07 ita>eng non tardano ad arrivare which are sure to come pro closed no
4 Dec 14 '07 ita>eng a suon di prezzi basically comes down to pro closed ok
4 Nov 28 '07 ita>eng predisposto a ready to pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '07 ita>eng prenderla per la gola the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach pro closed no
4 Oct 12 '07 ita>eng foglio di battaglia (political) manifesto pro closed no
- Oct 10 '07 ita>eng montagna di simpatia heaps of fun/a load of fun pro closed no
- Oct 3 '07 ita>eng quartiere satellite Milan suburban city quarters pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '07 ita>eng non è che could it be that... easy closed ok
4 Sep 21 '07 ita>eng il rivoluzionario del filo di paglia straw wizard pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '07 ita>eng cantinaro 'underground' manufacturers pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '07 ita>eng Il tessile viaggia lento, il pensiero dell'arte corre veloce The textile world lags behind a fast-paced artistic inspiration pro closed ok
4 Aug 13 '07 ita>eng laurea in lingue straniere per la comunicazione internazionale in foreign languages and international communication pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '07 ita>eng detto he told you so himself easy closed ok
- Jul 14 '07 ita>eng Specialistica.. Master of Science Degree... pro just_closed no
- Jul 5 '07 ita>eng E conosci bene molte persone? Are you well acquainted with a lot of people? easy closed no
- Jun 11 '07 ita>eng Mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri clienti la nostra esperienza... we put our expertise at our clients service pro closed no
- Jun 7 '07 ita>eng meno quanto a I always admired his .... rather than his communication skills pro closed no
- Jun 7 '07 ita>eng autoironico self-derisive easy closed no
- Jun 6 '07 ita>eng un piccolo aiutino controlla punti interrogativi fra parentesi) easy closed no
4 May 31 '07 ita>eng con l’acceleratore ora stangato a tavoletta pedal to the metal pro closed ok
- May 29 '07 ita>eng ricadendo pertaining to pro closed no
- May 14 '07 ita>eng AL VIA Launch pro closed ok
- May 9 '07 ita>eng R.D. Datalog (Registro Dati) easy closed ok
- Feb 22 '07 ita>eng Fiducioso Auspicious/Hopeful easy closed ok
- Feb 16 '07 ita>eng Joey la fece ricadere nel baratro da cui pensava di essere uscita Joey caused her to relapse into the nightmare/addiction/whatever baratro is referring to pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '06 ita>eng sufficientemente barely pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered