εξ επαχθούς αιτίας // εκ χαριστικής αιτίας against payment; for (valuable) consideration; for pecuniary interest // free of charge; without (valuable/pecuniary) consideration; gratuitous
Creator: | |
Language pair: | Greek to English |
Discipline: | Law (general) |
Definition / notes: | https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN-EL/TXT/?fromTab=ALL&from=EL&uri=CELEX%3A62010CC0576 *εξ επαχθούς αιτίας τίτλος κτήσεως > title of ownership acquired against payment ή pecuniary consideration |
URL: | https://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?nat=or&mat=or&pcs=Oor&jur=C%2CT%2CF&num=C-796%252F18&for=&jge=&dates=&language=en&pro=&cit=none%252CC%252CCJ%2 |
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