The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Real Estate Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
renteherzieningsvoorstel interest review notice [letter itself]; proposed interest adjustment [adjustments proposed by the bank]
Entered by: Michael Beijer
respijttermijn change(-)of(-)mind period
scheefwonen skewed income-to-rent ratio
sie X nr. YYYY block X, lot no. YYYY
spoorzate abandoned railway bed
teenlijn toe line
toetsrente reference rate
Transportdatum Registration date
Entered by: Textpertise
uitponding ex-rental sale (but see the discussion)
Entered by: Textpertise
van de hand wijzen Will expressly be refused or rejected
verbindt zich ertoe all bepalingen ervan na te leven ...undertakes to comply with all provisions....
Entered by: Evert DELOOF-SYS
verblijfsgebieden traffic-calmed (residential) areas
Entered by: Charles Stanford
Vereniging van ondereigenaars (BrE) Commonhold > (AmE) Condo Association
verhaalbelasting recoverable rates and taxes (for which the buyer could ultimately be held liable)
Verhuurbemiddeling Property management
verkavelaar partitioner, developer, land partitioner, plot partitioner
verplicht aflossingskapitaal equity used for mandatory redemption
verstrekking maximum loan/level
Vervreemdingsbeperkingen restrictions on alienation/alienation restrictions
vestiging van hypotheek raising (or taking out) of a mortgage
volgens titel (in: ‘gekadastreerd volgens titel’) according to the registered title (in: ‘land surveyed pursuant to title deeds’)
voorbelasting prior charge
voorschriften van orde internal rules
voorstand payments in advance
voorstel van vergelijk settlement proposal
vrij op naam costs payable by the vendor
waarborgstelling (provision of any other) warranty/guarantee
waterloop en drop watercourse and drainage easements / rights
welstandszorg urban aesthetics commission (separate or under the umbrella of a regional planning authority)
werkelijke lasten toets assessment of real mortgage payments
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
wonen met bedrijvigheid mixed residential and business use(r)
woon-winkelpand; woonwinkelpand; woon-/winkelpand shop with residential accommodation; mixed use property
Entered by: Michael Beijer
zuivere oversluiting straight refinancing
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