EasyTranslate Launches HumanAI: Revolutionising Translation with The Best Of Humans And AI

By: Ana Moirano

Copenhagen, Denmark – June 27 2024 – EasyTranslate, an AI-powered language operations platform, has launched HumanAI, designed to transform the translation industry. 

The translation market has long been split into two segments: technology providers and service providers. This separation has created a gap, as there has not been a single solution that combines both. The rise of the LangOps Platform addresses this issue by integrating services and technology into one cohesive solution, eliminating the need for separate TMS and service providers. This innovation fills a crucial gap in the market, streamlining multilingual content management and service delivery in one cohesive solution – Language Operations Platform.

HumanAI combines advanced AI models with strategic human intervention to deliver unparalleled quality, speed and cost-effectiveness, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve on-brand global communication.

Source: https://slator.com/

Full article:https://slator.com/easytranslate-launches-humanai-revolutionising-translation-with-the-best-of-humans-and-ai/

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