Cereals Cereales

Language pair:inglês para espanhol
Definition / notes:Cereals True cereals are the seeds of certain species of grass. Three — maize, wheat and rice — account for about half of the calories consumed by people every year. Grains can be ground to make flour, used as the basis of bread, cake, noodles or other food products. They can also be boiled or steamed, either whole or ground, and eaten as is. Many cereals are present or past staple foods, provided a large fraction of the calories in the places that they are eaten. Cereals include: Pseudocereals, the pseudocereals are broadleaf plants (non-grasses) that are used in much the same way as cereals (true cereals are grasses). Their seed can be ground into flour and otherwise used as cereals. Examples of pseudocereals are amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat.

Cereales: Los cereales constituyen los granos o frutos (frutos con semillas en su interior) de una familia de plantas herbáceas. Esta familia se le supone que engloba aproximadamente unas 5.000 especies. Las especies que pueden producir harina y que se han utilizado desde la antigüedad para alimentar al hombre se conocen como cereales. Los principales cereales son los siguientes: trigo, maíz, avena, cebada, mijo, arroz, centeno, sorgo.
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