Translation glossary: Finance/Management

Showing entries 1-50 of 84
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*délégatire de gestion* en assurance santéManagement services providers / Third-party administrators 
French to English
ABAcompte-rendu financier par administrateur 
English to French
accueil nouvel arrivantinduction 
French to English
année d'exécution en courscurrent performance year 
French to English
avantages préjudiciablesadvantages detrimental to [others] 
French to English
balise de rendez-vousintersection marker / merge-point marker 
French to English
bullion accountréserve de lingots 
English to French
capacité d'épargnesaving capacity 
French to English
Carte assuréeinsurance card 
French to English
Comité accéléréExpediting committee/Fast track committee 
French to English
comité de sélectivitéselection committee/group/working party 
French to English
commande d\'immobilisationfixed asset order 
French to English
compétencielCompétentiel skills management software 
French to English
comptage contradictoirejoint and independent counting 
French to English
conditions économiquesfinancial terms 
French to English
confidatialité/confidentialitédata confidentiality (neoligism) 
French to English
dès-le (as a noun)accruals and deferrals 
French to English
déclaration pro fiscodeclaration for tax purposes 
French to English
demande du périmètre du forfaitrequest for (definition of) the scope of the package 
French to English
devis pédagogiquesample quotation / sample bill of quantities 
French to English
dirigeant majoritairemanaging majority partner 
French to English
do the full service of proactivityprovide a fully proactive service 
dossier vivantactive file/record 
French to English
DP en régiein-house Project Manager 
French to English
Durée maximale supportable de non accessibilité à l'Actif Informationnellongest acceptable loss of access to information assets 
French to English
Economiste DescripteurQuantity surveyor and specifier 
French to English
Effectif moyen facturéAv. No. staff billed 
French to English
en inventaire / hors inventaireaudited and unaudited commitments 
French to English
entreprise d’insertionemployment and training consultancy/Work Integration Social Enterprise 
French to English
exception pricingtarification d'exception 
English to French
face à un clientagainst (the interests of) a client 
French to English
facture à chevalintervening invoice 
French to English
focauxkey people 
French to English
forfaits d'administrationadministration fees 
French to English
frais de mission et frais de déplacementincidental expenses and travel expenses 
French to English
garantie financièreguaranty 
French to English
gaz de redevance de transitgas as payment in kind for transit 
French to English
General and Law Committeecomité des affaires juridiques et générales 
English to French
in the process of loss calculationcalcul de pertes (est) en cours 
English to French
Incorporatedconstitué en corporation 
English to French
ingénierie touristiquetourism consultancy 
French to English
inscriptionestablishment / integration 
French to English
justification de présence à la cérémonie des funéraillesproof of attendance at the funeral 
French to English
l'instruction des affairesconducting departmental business 
French to English
laquelle devra toujours pouvoir être rembourséewhich must always be able to obtain reimbursement 
French to English
les modes de financement des bailleurs de fondsmeans of donor funding 
French to English
lever le frein du prix pour le consommateur finalremove the price barrier for the end consumer 
French to English
mission sociale(letter of/scope of) appointment as the company's (accountants) 
French to English
mur et barrage qualitéquality control hurdles 
French to English
no claim[s] accumulatedcoefficient de bonus-malus (global) 
English to French
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