This question was closed without grading. Reason: Anderer Grund
Feb 6, 2018 09:59
6 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Deutsch term

Nur an den Eindrücken können Sie nicht sparen.

Deutsch > Englisch Marketing Werbung/PR Flyer advertising a world trade fair
This is a very short piece advertising a world trade fair. The context doesn't give much away, but I'm not sure what "Eindrücken" means here - has anyone else come across it used in the sense of "eintreten" as I found in an online dictionary? Or does it just mean something "impressions" as in "first impressions"?

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Bringen Sie doch einen Kollegen mit:
3 kommen, nur 2 zahlen.
So lautet unser Angebot für Vordenker und Führungskräfte wie Sie.
***Nur an den Eindrücken können Sie nicht sparen.***
Change log

Feb 6, 2018 10:19: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Sonstige" to "Marketing"


Lancashireman Feb 7, 2018:
"This question was closed without grading." "Reason: Other." Although the asker has now probably turned off notifications for this question, I just wanted to say thank you for the infotainment value.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Oh dear! Was it something I said?
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Oh, don't stop! I am so utterly enjoying your interpretation.
You take care, too!
Björn Vrooman Feb 7, 2018:
As they like to say for exhibitors:

So you can "get more out of" attending the trade show. Originally, only two people would have gone because why spend so much money? But hey, they offer a free ticket. If the hotel price is OK, why not? Maybe you want to bring along the IT guy who hardly ever sees the sunlight in his server basement? You do need another hardware upgrade soon, but don't know what to go for. Better than to note it all down.

Just an example, as far-fetched as it may sound.

Besides, Germans crave discounts. It's in our blood. There's nothing as tempting as a yellow or red sign or label saying "Reduziert." We'll be fighting over it until the police has to arrive.

Read here what happens when ALDI offers a cheap alternative to a brand product:

Works every time. Take care!

Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Hi Björn So, there's a wealth of impressions to be won? So what's the connection to 3 for the price of 2?
Björn Vrooman Feb 7, 2018:
Hello Ramey Thanks, and as I understand it, they bring him along to discuss what his opinion is of the trade show, whether his business division can make use of anything presented there and which new markets could be of interest.

What Thomas said:
"Eindrücke sammelt, also viel Neues erfährt, Ideen sammelt, Kontakte knüpft, Interessante"

That's the idea -- the more the merrier! Have you ever tried debating with yourself? Well, I may have done this too, so I shouldn't say anything. But you get the idea. He or she is there for more "input."

Best wishes

E.g., your example from 12:31 yesterday, in response to Thomas, is closer to the intended meaning.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Hi Björn! Nice sense of humor. So, it's viable to think that whoever is bringing the nerdy anchovy is trying to make an impression? This my first understanding of the sparse context.
Björn Vrooman Feb 7, 2018:
I present to you


in italics:
"Bringen Sie doch einen Kollegen mit:
3 kommen, nur 2 zahlen.
So lautet unser Angebot für Vordenker und Führungskräfte wie Sie.
Nur an den Eindrücken können Sie nicht sparen."

In short: They aren't going to get wasted. It may dampen the enthusiasm of your colleague, but you're there to "gauge the mood" / "assess the situation" / "figure out what's trending" and so on.

This is why you're going to drag the nerdy anchovy from floor 12 to the trade show; not because you like him, but he's upper management and he may have a bright idea or two.

The only thing that's been irritating is the lack of thought put into this, from start to finish. But that's something no membership fee can make up for.

I wish you all an enjoyable evening!
Björn Vrooman Feb 7, 2018:
Another "Schicksalsgemeinschaft"... ..., I suppose--if someone remembers, considering the group of people gathered here.

Actually, I was looking forward to being the whipping boy this afternoon, considering what I was about to add. Maybe I can get that crown back if I go straight to topic:

1) The German sentence is abysmal. Period. Whoever wrote this should go back to the drawing board. No, it doesn't work at all.

2) While I agree with pretty much everything else Brigitte had to say, I don't agree that more context would help and I don't think the product, etc. is important. There is context available, but it's not being made use of.

3) "Thomas, your comments have been the most useful thus far, you've obviously read the context I supplied"
- That's interesting, considering his agreement to Michael's answer. No offense, Thomas, but I don't understand it--I don't even understand Michael's second bit here.

Not too long ago, Michael said that we shouldn't stray far from the source doc--something I can't really agree to--but "enjoyment" is miles away from "Eindrücke."

I understand it the same way Thomas did in his d-box post from 12:25 yesterday, but it's missing something.

[to be continued...]
Lancashireman Feb 7, 2018:
"Work to do!" Good for you. Those of us with "nothing better to do" will just have to hang out here in the meantime. No problem.
Jo Hance (asker) Feb 7, 2018:
To Lancashireman No problem. I think it is a good forum, but I use it as a work tool, that is what I pay for - not for unhelpful gossiping. The "democratic" factor as it were lies in the fact that some of us have paid for the right to use it as such. Must get on, work to do!
Lancashireman Feb 7, 2018:
Umbrage I am not critical of I take umbrage at such an unhelpful and, frankly, irritating assertion. I gave you the benefit of assuming that you had ticked this unhelpful and, frankly, irritating box inadvertently. You have confirmed that you did so "to exclude people" (of the unhelpful and, frankly, irritating variety) and that it was for democratic reasons. Thank you for clarifying that.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Unfortunately, Jo, we are doing the same, as the question at hand has raised the discussion. Perhaps not the linguistic question, but there you have it. Democracy includes the right to express one's opinions. No one is condemning you or your right to exclude responses.
BrigitteHilgner Feb 7, 2018:
Dear Jo Hance, Please relax: I've added your name to one of my lists and will never again provide a discussion entry to one of your question.
Jo Hance (asker) Feb 7, 2018:
Your comments are not "democracy". They strike me as coming from someone who has nothing better to do. As I am a paying member I have exercised my democratic right to exclude people, in an attempt to avoid irritating"gossip" such as yours. Please limit your comments to the question in hand in future, or say nothing.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Obviously, Jo, your selections weren't as effective as desired. And yes, I can see how someone expressing an opinion other than yours may be irritating. Democracy is horribly taxing.
Jo Hance (asker) Feb 7, 2018:
I take umbrage at the fact that people have chosen to use my question as a forum to have a go at Of course they earn money from people, it's a business! For the record I am always deliberate about the selections I make when posting a question. To prevent unhelpful and, frankly, irritating, discussions such as this arising.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
Good morning Brigitte! And a beautiful morning it is! Yes, proz. is a business, so they want to earn money. But if their premise is still democratic collaboration, then trying to squeeze money out of non-members is counter-productive, to say the least. If you just glance at the leaders site, you'll see non-members at the top of every list. Fact is, what we think or feel is unimportant to others and posing egalitarianism as a lure or "gee, aren't we something!" is embarrassing. I can only speak and act for myself, and wouldn't forego your or Andrew's input for any reason whatsoever. Still, I am a member and will probably remain so for a while as I have no other active internet presence. Have a wonderful day, week, life!
BrigitteHilgner Feb 7, 2018:
Good morning, Ramey As I see it, the people who run do everything they can to discriminate against people who do not pay a membership fee. It does not matter that over many years I have answered more questions than I asked and thus supported this platform (and helped the people who run to earn money), my access to information (e.g. ratings of Blue Board companies) gets more and more limited - that annoys me far more than not being able to agree or disagree with answers.
Many askers do NOT read the rules which are meant to govern the asking of questions (and does not interfer, because those who ask many questions pay membership fees) and I fully agree with Lancashireman: many "people who select this option ( members only) have ticked the box cursorily".
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 7, 2018:
The world is a truly bizarre place. Kudoz is not a religion, yet the same exclusivity and territorial border control can be found here. When will we realize that no one KNOWS much and doesn't have to, because there is someone somewhere who does? And life, as well as language, is up to interpretation. that's our job.
Lancashireman Feb 6, 2018:
Couldn't agree more, Brigitte I always assume that people who select this option have ticked the box cursorily. Every now and again, though, you get askers who honestly believe that it will attract a better class of answerer. This is indeed the only field on the page where I am allowed to type anything, Ramey. The usual Answer and Agree boxes are absent.
BrigitteHilgner Feb 6, 2018:
@ Ramey Rieger Don't worry, I am the one who did not read the last four lines, because I assumed that "Any suggestions gratefully received" were the closing lines, and underneath comes all that stuff about people who are or who are not entitled to answer the question. Admittedly, whenever I read "Join" (just to agree to an answer to a question), I switch more or less off.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 6, 2018:
@Jo Are you implying that the rest of us haven't?
Jo Hance (asker) Feb 6, 2018:
Thanks Thomas, your comments have been the most useful thus far, you've obviously read the context I supplied.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 6, 2018:
AHA! I overlooked that, because I never use that function. Maybe Jo doesn't know what she's missing out on?
BrigitteHilgner Feb 6, 2018:
Hello Ramey, the asker can decide who is allowed to agree/disagree with answers. If the asker decides that only members should be able to do so, plebeians like me are excluded. ;-)
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 6, 2018:
@Thomas Nice one! Bring a guest for free and enjoy/share a wealth of experiences/impressions.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 6, 2018:
@Jo so keep it short and positive. Save on tickets, spend on strong impressions/
Cheap tickets, slathered hype (JUST KIDDING)/ Bring a friend for free and make a good/strong impression
Thomas Pfann Feb 6, 2018:
guter Eindruck vs. Eindrücke Well, the info on where they might save money is right in the text you posted above: 3 kommen, nur 2 zahlen.

Anyway, ich glaube jedoch, dass es nicht darum geht, dass der Messebesucher einen guten Eindruck macht, sondern dass er auf der Messe (neue) Eindrücke sammelt, also viel Neues erfährt, Ideen sammelt, Kontakte knüpft, Interessantes sieht und hört.
Ramey Rieger (X) Feb 6, 2018:
Hi Brigitte! WHAT? you have be a member now to agree or disagree? Since when?
Jo Hance (asker) Feb 6, 2018:
Thanks for your input Brigitte - here the products make no difference and no, there is no info on where they might save money, this has nothing to do with it (It's a flyer, so less than 500 words). I think it is simply a question, as Thomas said, of an attempt at a play on words, which, as I said, becomes rather long-winded in English!
BrigitteHilgner Feb 6, 2018:
Since I am not permitted to agree ... with an answer (I refuse to become a member and pay for it just to be able to agree or disagree), I have to express my opinion as a discussion entry:
As in so many cases, one sentence is not enough to come to a reliable conclusion, but without further information (What type of fair? Which kind of products are involved? Is there any information where the organisers might save money (or whatever else)?) I opt for Ramey's suggestion "Never stint on ..."
Jo Hance (asker) Feb 6, 2018:
Thanks Thomas, I thought similar, but it is trying to get both the sense of "saving" on the entrance fee and the bit about making a good impression that is difficult to render in English without being too long-winded!
Thomas Pfann Feb 6, 2018:
Eindruck - Eindrücke This is not the verb "eindrücken" (which can mean "eintreten"), but the plural of the noun "Eindruck" (impression).

The German sounds like a pretty poor attempt to force some sort of word play. Gemeint ist, dass man am Eintrittspreis sparen kann, aber nicht an den Eindrücken (die man auf der Messe gewinnen wird).

Proposed translations

24 Min.

(You can/should)) never stint/save/hold back on (making) strong impressions

I believe they're referring to pomp. Since the golden rule in marketing is to never use negatives:
Pour your resources into making a strong impression
Give your strong impressions a generous boost.

Something went wrong...
31 Min.

After all, you can't afford to skimp on first impressions

Goes with what Thomas was saying in the discussion about word play. As in 'you can afford to save on the price of an entry ticket, but not on first impressions'.

For some reason, I prefer 'skimp' to 'save', though. I'm not really sure why - it just sounds a little more natural to me.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Michael Martin, MA : I think you're misunderstanding this. Nobody is trying to make a killer first impression here..
4 Stunden
Something went wrong...
4 Stunden

Cut short your expenses, not your enjoyment

I agree with Thomas' assessment but I've seen worse attempts at word play..
Still, by the standards of the German text, my solution should pass, I think
Peer comment(s):

agree Thomas Pfann : Leih-Kit!
59 Min.
Danke fuer die kostenlose Ausleihe:)
agree Ramey Rieger (X) : Nice!
2 Stunden
Thanks, Ramey!
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