Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

simple trust / grantor trust / complex trust

Indonesian translation:

perwalian biasa / penjamin / kompleks

Added to glossary by ErichEko ⟹⭐
May 13, 2014 12:55
10 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

simple trust / grantor trust / complex trust

English to Indonesian Law/Patents Law: Taxation & Customs U.S. Tax Reporting
- Pilihan jenis badan usaha dalam lembaran pelaporan pajak A.S.

Apakah ada bentuk sepadan di Indonesia untuk ketiga entitas tersebut?
Proposed translations (Indonesian)
4 perwalian biasa / penjamin / kompleks
Change log

May 26, 2017 06:57: ErichEko ⟹⭐ Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

9 hrs

perwalian biasa / penjamin / kompleks

Ketiga frasa ini, simple trust, grantor trust, complex trust mengacu ke makna trust sebagai amanat dari pemberi amanat (trustor) kepada wali amanat (trustee) u/ mengelola harta benda bagi kepentingan penerima manfaat (beneficiary). Terlihat di surjaya pertama bahwa trust disandingkan dengan estate dalam perpajakan, karena keduanya menyangkut warisan / amanat harta benda.

Trusts and estates must file an income tax return (Form 1041) for each taxable year if the trust has earned $600 in income, or has a beneficiary that is a non-resident alien.

A fiduciary relationship in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary.

Dalam hal tertentu, misalnya, standar tanggung jawab fiduciary dan nikmatnya berhenti sebagai pemegang perwalian, bentuk perwalian (trust) memiliki beberapa persyaratan ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Terima kasih, mas Erich."
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