Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

Depósitos de Moreias

English translation:

morainic deposits

Added to glossary by Verginia Ophof
May 11, 2013 14:52
11 yrs ago
Portuguese term

Depósitos de Moreias

Portuguese to English Science Geography
Parte de um texto sobre a Serra da Estrela no seguinte contexto:

As placas de gelo que derreteram deslizaram para altitudes mais baixas, arrastando blocos graníticos e formando vales à sua passagem. Os vestígios desta obra natural, grandiosos vales em U com rochas polidas, blocos erráticos e depósitos de moreias, permanecem intocados há milhares de anos.

Desde já obrigada!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 morainic deposits
4 +2 Moraine deposits
Change log

May 25, 2013 15:01: Verginia Ophof Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

6 mins

morainic deposits

mo·rainal, mo·rainic adj.

An accumulation of boulders, stones, or other debris carried and deposited by a glacier.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marlene Curtis
17 mins
Thank you Marlene !!
agree Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
33 mins
Thank you Teresa !!
agree oxygen4u
1 hr
Thank you Oxygen4u!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr

Moraine deposits

With over 700,000 google hits for moraine deposits as opposed to 170,000 for morainic deposits, I'd go with moraine deposits.

As well, the Portuguese is literally deposits of moraines.
Example sentence:

In northeastern Indiana, northern Ohio, and some other regions, extensive areas of ground moraine deposits are overlain by unmapped glacial-lake clay and silt (unit lc). The thickness of the till generally is 0.5 to >20 m

Peer comment(s):

agree Nick Taylor : I believe (as a UK native speaker) that the attributive noun "sounds" better than the adjective, (but that is just my personal opinion and background - grammar school, university, PhD etc.)
53 mins
agree liz askew : sure is. This is what we used when I did my Geography "A" level
1 hr
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