The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Hindi IT (Information Technology) Translation Glossary

English term Hindi translation
Asynchronous digital subscriber loop (ADSL) अतुल्यकालिक अंकीय ग्राहक वलय
Entered by: Balasubramaniam L.
body shopping बॉडी शॉपिंग
chrominance क्रोमिनेंस
Impressum इंप्रेसम
Individual Game एकल गेम
Internet अंतरजाल
Entered by: Balasubramaniam L.
lead generation statistics उपभोक्ता रुचि निर्माण संबंधी आंकड़े /लीड सृजन संबंधी आंकड़े
Entered by: Lalit Sati
phishing facebook फिशिंग
Entered by: acetran
polling क्रमवरण
Self-addressed envelope अपना पता लिखा लिफाफा
Subscribe to event or Subscription for event आयोजन की सदस्यता
Entered by: Ashutosh Mitra
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