4.0 SP 16
Təhdid postu: CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Nov 10, 2023

I just downloaded and installed version 4.0 SP 16. As usual, you won't see detailed descriptions until after the SP is installed (unless I'm missing something...).

So here are the changes:

New Features

1. Additional web search services and enhanced service home page call-up

Additional web search services

Transit/TermStar’s web search now supports the following additional services:

ESCO ("European multilingual
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I just downloaded and installed version 4.0 SP 16. As usual, you won't see detailed descriptions until after the SP is installed (unless I'm missing something...).

So here are the changes:

New Features

1. Additional web search services and enhanced service home page call-up

Additional web search services

Transit/TermStar’s web search now supports the following additional services:

ESCO ("European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations" provided by the European Commission)

France Terme (French terminology provided by the Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France)

GDT ("Grand dictionnaire terminologique" provided by the Office québécois de la langue française)

LINGUA-PC (German-French terminology provided by the State Chancellery of Canton of Bern)

SCTA Semamdy (trilingual terminology provided by the Belgian "Service central de traduction allemande")

TermCat (terminology provided by the Catalan Centre de Terminologia)

Call up service home pages per click on service name

The home page of each service can now be accessed by clicking on the name of the service. Therefore, the "globe" icon is no longer necessary and has been removed.

2. Project management

Deleting working folder if project wizard is cancelled

When creating a project, Transit automatically creates a project-specific working folder in the file system.

As of this service pack, the working folder is deleted again if the user cancels the project wizard and the working folder does not yet contain any data.

In this way, Transit prevents an unused working folder from being left behind if the user has accidentally started to create a project.

Import: Use project language pairs as reference material for additional files

When subsequently adding and importing files to a project, you can now decide whether the project’s already translated files should be used as reference material for pretranslation. Transit will display a corresponding message during the import (Do you also want to use the already translated files of the project as reference material?).

Export: Individually prevent existing files from being overwritten

If you repeat an export, the new export would overwrite existing files and Transit displays a corresponding message for each file. Previously, No had the same effect as Cancel: Transit stopped the export and left all other existing files unchanged.

As of this Service Pack, the No button causes Transit to kip the file and to continue the export with the next file. The function of Cancel remains unchanged (stopping the export).

Export: Special colours for MT and fuzzy matches inserted during import

When exporting with colours for "Segment status after import", you can now use special text colours to indicate machine translations and fuzzy matches inserted during import (» Insert MT suggestions directly during import and » Inserting fuzzy matches directly during import). To do so, check the Colours for MT and fuzzy matches inserted during import option in the Export project window.

You can specify these colours in the "Fonts and colours" user preferences by changing the colours for the following entries:

Export font: segments to be checked (inserted fuzzies during import)

Export font: segments to be checked (inserted MT during import)

3. Transit Editor

Transfer selected text from source language segment

So far, you can transfer the entire content of the source language segment to the target language (with CTRL + ALT + Backspace or Reinsert source language content in the source language context menu).

As of this Service Pack, you can also do this for parts of the source language segment. To do so, select text within the source language segment, right-click your selection and select Insert selected text in target language in the context menu.

This will insert the selected text in the target language segment: If you have selected text in the target language segment, it will be replaced by the source language text. Otherwise, the source language text will be added at the cursor position.

Open all files with one click

With the new Open all (global) button in the Open language pairs window you can open all language files (except translation extracts) with a single mouse click.

Individual font sizes per window

Previously, the same font size was used for all window content.

As of this Service Pack, you can set individual font sizes in the "Colours and fonts" user preferences for language pairs, Fuzzy windows, Concordance search and Dynamic Linking windows, Segment info window, Markup window, and for bubble windows for URLs, indices, and footnotes. In addition, you can select an individual font size to display path information and TM Container attributes for fuzzy matches and concordance search matches.

Behaviour after confirming a segment as translated

When you confirm a segment as translated, Transit navigates to the next segment to be translated (i.e. the next segment which you must edit and/or confirm).

Under the Confirm icon, you can now choose between the following options to determine where Transit navigates to after confirming a segment:

After confirmation: Remain in segment: Transit remains in the segment that you have just confirmed.

After confirmation: Go to next segment: Transit navigates to the immediately following editable segment (regardless of its segment status)

After confirmation: Go to next segment to be translated: Behaviour as before (Transit navigates to the next segment that needs to be edited and/or confirmed)

NOTE: Similar options are also available for proofreading (» Behaviour after confirming a segment as checked).

4. Machine translation

Handling of newlines within segments

For machine translation, newlines within segments have not been taken into account. Therefore newlines had to be added manually to the machine translation results.

As of this Service Pack, these newlines are "translated" with the text and the MT service tries to place them in the appropriate position.

MT support for controlled languages

The controlled languages English (simplified) (language code EN1), French (rationalised) (language code FR1) and German (plain language) (language code DE1) have not been supported by standard MT services.

As of this Service Pack, these controlled languages can now be machine translated by automatically being mapped to the MT engines for the corresponding main language (i.e. ENU, FRA or DEU).

NOTE: Controlled languages have a reduced vocabulary and strict grammar rules that usually are not taken into account by MT engines (unless they have been specially trained). Therefore, MT results usually do not comply with the rules of controlled languages and need to be heavily revised.

5. Fuzzy match: Automatically insert best match / stay in target language window

If requesting a fuzzy match with ALT + INS, Transit switches to the fuzzy window by default. There you can select the desired fuzzy match and accept it with ALT + ENTER (i.e. insert it into the target language segment).

As of this Service Pack, you can specify in the "Dual Fuzzy" user preferences that Transit automatically inserts the best fuzzy match into the target language segment (Use ALT + ENTER to automatically insert best fuzzy match option).

In this case, it may make sense to also select the Stay in target language window even if fuzzy match option: Then Transit will not switch to the fuzzy window, but will remain in the target language segment so that you can edit and confirm it straight away.

TIP: If you still want to switch to the fuzzy window (e.g. to select another fuzzy match), press ALT + 5. Then you can switch back to the target language window with ALT + 2.

6. Transfer highlighted text from fuzzy match or concordance search

So far, you can transfer a complete fuzzy match or concordance search match into the target language.

As of this Service Pack, you can also transfer parts of the match. To do this, select text within the match, right-click your selection and select the following in the context menu:

For fuzzy matches: Replace target segment with selected text
This option will replace the previous content of the current segment with the selected text.

For concordance search matches: Insert selected text in target language
This option will insert the selected text in the current segment: If you have selected text in the target language segment, it will be replaced by the text from the match. Otherwise, the text from the match is added at the cursor position.

7. Quality assurance

Quality report: Include editing distance for revisions

In the quality report including segment revisions, the editing distance of the revisions is now also indicated. The distance is output in these metrics:

Similarity (fuzzy algorithm): Percentage of similarity, calculated as for fuzzy matches in transit (value range 0 -100%, high value = high similarity = fewer changes)

Levenshtein distance: Number of operations required for the change (values > 0, high value = more changes = more differences)

Levenshtein similarity: Similarity relative to the total number of characters, calculated based on the Levenshtein distance (value range 0 - 1, high value = high similarity = fewer changes)

Exclude locked segments from spellcheck, terminology check, and format check

As of this Service Pack, you can skip segments that are locked for the following checks:

Spellcheck: Select Do not check locked segments under Options.

Terminology check: Select Do not check locked segments under Start.

Format check: Select Do not check locked segments under Start.

This prevents errors from being displayed for segments that you cannot because they are locked.

Preset "Log as revision" for proofreading and unpacking translations

In order to track revision steps, the Log as revision option must be selected in proofreading mode and when unpacking translations.

As of this Service Pack, you can specify whether this option shall be automatically selected when you switch to proofreading mode or when you unpack a translation. To do so, select Proofreading mode / unpacking translations: Preset "Log as revision" in the "Format check" project settings.

This setting is a preselection. In proofreading mode and when unpacking projects, you can still decide whether Transit shall log changes as a revision.

Behaviour after confirming a segment as checked

As for translation, they can also choose for proofreading where Transit navigates to after confirming a segment. You will find similar options under the On/Off icon for proofreading (for details see » Behaviour after confirming a segment as translated).

8. Report Manager

Preset "Show repetition column" for regarding internal repetitions per project

When regarding internal repetitions per project, the Show repetition column option had to be reselected for each report.

As of this Service Pack, a PRJ parameter can be used to specify whether this option shall be automatically selected / deselected when generating a report with internal repetitions per project. This setting is a preselection. When generating reports, you can still decide whether to show a repetition column.

NOTE: For internal repetitions regarded file by file, the setting was always retained and automatically reused when generating the next report.

9. Modify reference material

As of this Service Pack, morphological search is supported for the Modifying reference material feature (Resource bar, Reference material). With morphological search, Transit also finds declined or conjugated forms of the search term.

For non-exact matches, the following text now indicates that the segment requires special attention after replacement:
Fuzzy/morpho match. Check carefully after replacing!

In this context, the replace buttons have been extended and improved as follows:

Replace & next: This button replaces the found text and navigates to the next hit. This function is only active for exact matches, i.e. if the search text matches the found text exactly.

Replace: This button replaces the found text, but does not navigate to the next hit. This allows you to check the segment after the replacement and adapt it if necessary.

Replace all exact matches: This button replaces all exact matches and leaves segments with non-exact matches unchanged. You can then use Replace to go through the non-exact matches one by one, replacing and adjusting them if necessary.

10. TM-Container

TMC export: Select content by attribute values / file names

When exporting from a TM container, the content to be exported was previously selected with the help of TM filters.

From now on, the content to be exported can also be selected via attribute values and file names.

To do so, select the TM Container (instead of its TM filter) in the TM Container administration and click Export. Transit then displays a window where you can select the desired files (similar to opening or deleting files from the TM container).

Reassign attribute values to imported TM Container contents

As of this service pack, it is possible to change attribute values of already imported contents.

To do so, select the TM Container in the TM Container administration and click Reassign values. Transit then displays a window where you can select the desired files (similar to opening, deleting, or exporting files from the TM container).

In the next window you can specify whether and how the assigned attribute values shall be modified. Depending on the attribute settings, you have the following options:

No modification: Transit will leave the already assigned attribute value(s) unchanged. After the modification, the same value(s) will be assigned as before.

Clear value: Transit will remove the already assigned attribute value(s). After the modification, no value will be assigned for this attribute.

Replace value + value selection in New/added value column: Transit will replace the already assigned attribute value(s) by the selected value(s). After the modification, only the newly selected value(s) will be assigned for this attribute.

Add value + value selection in New/added value column: Transit will add the selected value(s) to the already assigned value(s). After the modification, the previous and the newly selected values will be assigned for this attribute.

Enhanced import progress display when using remote TM Containers

The progress display for project import with reference material on a remote TMC has been improved: First the Progress bar (Remote) is displayed for the process on the remote computer. Then another progress bar is displayed for the processes on your local computer.

11. TermStar

Additional key combination for non-breaking space: CTRL + SpaceIn TermStar, it is now possible to enter a non-breaking space directly by using the shortcut CTRL + Space.

Additional key combination for editing on the right page: CTRL + ENTERIt is now possible to edit a data record on the right page by using the shortcut CTRL + ENTER.

12. UI changes

The following UI elements have been renamed to clarify their meaning (no functional changes):

User preferences "Dual Fuzzy": "Update Transit matches" renamed to "Update matches"

Resource "Interfaces": "Quicksilver" renamed to "Interleaf/Quicksilver"

Project settings "Format check" and "Format check" options

"Check that UPPERCASE segments are translated as UPPERCASE" shortened to "Check if UPPERCASE is kept"

"Check that segments with standard capitalisation are not translated as UPPERCASE" shortened to "Check if UPPERCASE is used instead of standard capitalisation"

Project settings "Segmentation"

"Check segmentation after import" renamed to "Check abbreviations for segmentation during import"Correspondingly, the "Check segmentation" window has been renamed to "Check abbreviations for segmentation".

"Do not segment after ;" renamed to "Do not segment after semicolon ;"

"Do not segment after numbered lists (e.g. 1.)" renamed to "Do not segment after colon :"

"Do not segment after :" renamed to "Do not segment after ordinal numbers 1. 2. 3."

File type options: "Paragraph styles" options group renamed to "Paragraph styles / character styles" (due to » Word: Character styles not to be translated). Correspondingly, the "Paragraph style list" has been renamed to "Styles list".

German UI only: User preferences "Dual concordance" and " Dynamic Linking":

"Anzahl der Treffer anzeigen" renamed to "Anzahl der angezeigten Treffer"

"Optionen für die duale Konkoranzsuche" renamed to "Aktionen beim Öffnen des Dialogs"

13. Support of Microsoft SQL Server 2022 and Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express

Addendum to » Service Pack 15 (December 2022): Since Service Pack 15, TermStar allows to run TermStar databases on Microsoft SQL Server 2022 and Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express.

NOTE: The support of Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is optional and needs to be enabled by licence number. For more information contact STAR (» Contact).

[Edited at 2023-11-10 10:17 GMT]

Dan Lucas

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4.0 SP 16

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