How to process TermStar with MemoQ
Təhdid postu: Tranzzlate
Local time: 07:02
Member (2003)
English to German
+ ...
Aug 27, 2012

Hello everybody,

I hope you can help us:

We have a Transit NXT project which has been translated with MemoQ.
Now we want to update the TermStar dictionary as well.
Does anybody have any suggestions how to do that or if it is possible at all.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance!

Tranzzlate Team

AlSqur (X)
AlSqur (X)
export to csv Aug 27, 2012

You can export Term Database (and even Translation Memory) to csv and then import these csv-files to Transit via Dictionaries - Dictionaries / Databases - then just "Import/Export", choose there user defined format, define how your file will be imported (which column of the csv is which language), encoding etc. Just create a new or choose an existing dictionary and import csv into it.

From Translation Memory you can then create a language pair (via TMX).
Term Database can be l
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You can export Term Database (and even Translation Memory) to csv and then import these csv-files to Transit via Dictionaries - Dictionaries / Databases - then just "Import/Export", choose there user defined format, define how your file will be imported (which column of the csv is which language), encoding etc. Just create a new or choose an existing dictionary and import csv into it.

From Translation Memory you can then create a language pair (via TMX).
Term Database can be left as a Transit dictionary (of course, if you wish, you can also create a language pair out of it, via TMX).

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Inject your dictionary into the PPF file Sep 9, 2012

Here is an example of a PPF file:

Rename to ZIP, look for the TXE file: a Martif file with two term pairs:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE martif PUBLIC "ISO 12200:1997//DTD for MARTIF (Part 2 V1)//EN" "" [
<!ENTITY % m
... See more
Here is an example of a PPF file:

Rename to ZIP, look for the TXE file: a Martif file with two term pairs:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE martif PUBLIC "ISO 12200:1997//DTD for MARTIF (Part 2 V1)//EN" "" [
<!ENTITY % mtf-body PUBLIC "ISO 12200:1997//DTD for MARTIF (body) //EN" "" >
<!ENTITY % mtf-ents PUBLIC "ISO 12200:1997//ENTITIES for MARTIF (sets) //EN" "">
<martif type='Part2v1' lang='en'>


<titleStmt><title>Transit NXT TermStar export file</title></titleStmt>
<sourceDesc><p>TermStar dictionary</p>

<p type='DatCatSetName'>maxi-set</p>
<p type='DatCatSetVersion'>2</p>

<p type='TS_DictName'>Demo dictionary</p>
<p type='TS_DataBase'>BG291211</p>
<p type='TS_ExtractionTime'>20120909T065201Z</p>
<p type='TS_DictImagePath' mode='AbsolutePaths'></p>
<p type='TS_DictProperty' id='MainLang' val='0'>deu-de</p>
<p type='TS_DictProperty' id='ExportedLangs' val='0'>DEU,NLD</p>
<p type='TS_DictProperty' id='GUID' val='0'>{AC401010-93CA-43C5-88FA-4D2E1FDA1731}</p>
<p type='TS_DictProperty' id='rights password encoding' val='1'></p>




<termEntry id='1'>
<note type='TS_CreateId'>AA</note>
<date type='origination'>20120909T065033Z</date>
<note type='TS_UpdateId'>AA</note>
<date type='modification'>20120909T065033Z</date>

<langSet lang='deu-de'>
<ntig id='1'><termGrp>
<termNote type='termType'>full form</termNote>
<termNote type='TS_CreateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='origination'>20120909T065033Z</date>
<termNote type='TS_UpdateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='modification'>20120909T065033Z</date>


<langSet lang='nld-nl'>
<ntig id='2'><termGrp>
<termNote type='termType'>full form</termNote>
<termNote type='TS_CreateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='origination'>20120909T065033Z</date>
<termNote type='TS_UpdateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='modification'>20120909T065033Z</date>


<termEntry id='2'>
<note type='TS_CreateId'>AA</note>
<date type='origination'>20120909T065102Z</date>
<note type='TS_UpdateId'>AA</note>
<date type='modification'>20120909T065102Z</date>

<langSet lang='deu-de'>
<ntig id='3'><termGrp>
<termNote type='termType'>full form</termNote>
<termNote type='TS_CreateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='origination'>20120909T065102Z</date>
<termNote type='TS_UpdateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='modification'>20120909T065102Z</date>


<langSet lang='nld-nl'>
<ntig id='4'><termGrp>
<termNote type='termType'>full form</termNote>
<termNote type='TS_CreateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='origination'>20120909T065102Z</date>
<termNote type='TS_UpdateId'>AA</termNote>
<date type='modification'>20120909T065102Z</date>





CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Should be: inject Martif into the return package Sep 10, 2012

Should be: inject Martif into the return package (TXF)

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:02
Finnish to French
Martif Sep 12, 2012

Hans Lenting wrote:
Should be: inject Martif into the return package (TXF)

Just curious: are there tools that will convert an Excel or CSV file into a Martif file Transit will be happy with?

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
I'm not sure ... Sep 12, 2012

Dominique Pivard wrote:

Hans Lenting wrote:
Should be: inject Martif into the return package (TXF)

Just curious: are there tools that will convert an Excel or CSV file into a Martif file Transit will be happy with?

Hi Dominique,

I'm not sure. Perhaps something from Maxprograms?

I'm only aware of a script that can make Excel from termstar Martif.



Information about Transit needed, please. Oct 27, 2012

Hello, everybody!

I’m studying at the university this program (Transit) and I actually really need some information in order to finish the work. I’ll be very pleased if any of you could help me.
Here are some of the questions I need an answer to:

1. Which are the formats of terminological database or glossaries the program is compatible with?
2. Options of creating and configuring a new glossary or terminological database.
3. Which options does e
... See more
Hello, everybody!

I’m studying at the university this program (Transit) and I actually really need some information in order to finish the work. I’ll be very pleased if any of you could help me.
Here are some of the questions I need an answer to:

1. Which are the formats of terminological database or glossaries the program is compatible with?
2. Options of creating and configuring a new glossary or terminological database.
3. Which options does exit to import glossaries or terminological database in other external formats?
4. Which options does exist to include new registers in the glossary or terminological database while translating?
5. Which options does exist for the maintenance of glossaries?
6. Is it possible to use many glossaries or terminological database simultaneously?
7. Does the program do any terminological recognition while translating?
8. There is any function for terminological quality control?
9. Does it do automatically a terminological extraction?
10. Is it possible to invert the languages of a glossary.
11. Is it possible to merge many glossaries?
12. Is it possible to export a selected extract of a glossary?

I really thank you for your cooperation in advance!

AlSqur (X)
AlSqur (X)
terminology Oct 28, 2012

1. Which are the formats of terminological database or glossaries the program is compatible with?
- martif, tbx, tmx, excel, csv, termstar and text files can be imported. Transit uses its own format, files stored in data bases (mdb-files)
2. Options of creating and configuring a new glossary or terminological database
- you can create a new data base, create, delete, import, export or copy dictionaries
3. Which options does exit to import glossaries or terminological data
... See more
1. Which are the formats of terminological database or glossaries the program is compatible with?
- martif, tbx, tmx, excel, csv, termstar and text files can be imported. Transit uses its own format, files stored in data bases (mdb-files)
2. Options of creating and configuring a new glossary or terminological database
- you can create a new data base, create, delete, import, export or copy dictionaries
3. Which options does exit to import glossaries or terminological database in other external formats?
- you can import martif, excel, tbx or plain txt files (like csv)
4. Which options does exist to include new registers in the glossary or terminological database while translating?
- you can open and edit the dictionary in a separate window or add new records from your translation (rapid entry), you can e.g. mark your source phrase and your target phrase and add them via a click on a terminology panel.
5. Which options does exist for the maintenance of glossaries?
- copy, delete, compress...I don't really know, what you mean here
6. Is it possible to use many glossaries or terminological database simultaneously?
- yes, multiple dictionaries from multiple databases can be used
7. Does the program do any terminological recognition while translating?
- during the translation all known terms will be highlighted and the record from the dictionary and other information is shown in the terminology window
8. There is any function for terminological quality control?
- there is a terminology check which controls, whether you used the terminology
9. Does it do automatically a terminological extraction?
- yes, but you have to control the results
10. Is it possible to invert the languages of a glossary
- just switch the target and source language
11. Is it possible to merge many glossaries?
- yes, though not automatically
12. Is it possible to export a selected extract of a glossary?
- yes, if you filter for it

Additions... Nov 6, 2012

1. Which are the formats of terminological database or glossaries the program is compatible with?
- martif, tbx, tmx, excel, csv, termstar and text files can be imported. Transit uses its own format, files stored in data bases (mdb-files)
[Addition]Using the import wizard for text files, you can import almost any terminology as long as is a kind of structured or sorted or logical.
2. Options of creating and configuring a new glossary or terminological database
- y
... See more
1. Which are the formats of terminological database or glossaries the program is compatible with?
- martif, tbx, tmx, excel, csv, termstar and text files can be imported. Transit uses its own format, files stored in data bases (mdb-files)
[Addition]Using the import wizard for text files, you can import almost any terminology as long as is a kind of structured or sorted or logical.
2. Options of creating and configuring a new glossary or terminological database
- you can create a new data base, create, delete, import, export or copy dictionaries
[Addition]You can configure value lists, input verifications, passwort protection, rename field names, create your own dictionary layouts etc. etc. etc.
And you can "export" these settings to use them for new dictionaries with consistent settings..
3. Which options does exit to import glossaries or terminological database in other external formats?
- you can import martif, excel, tbx or plain txt files (like csv)
[Addition]Same as 1, isn't it?
4. Which options does exist to include new registers in the glossary or terminological database while translating?
- you can open and edit the dictionary in a separate window or add new records from your translation (rapid entry), you can e.g. mark your source phrase and your target phrase and add them via a click on a terminology panel.
[Addition]Various ways: Just mark and click -- that's all. Or mark source term and target term an click. Or enter additional information. Anything can be configured.
5. Which options does exist for the maintenance of glossaries?
- copy, delete, compress...I don't really know, what you mean here
[Addition]Very unspefic question - therefore the best answer is: a lot
Edit/Create/Copy&Paste/Duplicate/Merge/Delete individual entries or data records;
Most of these options for all or several data records in one go
Project exchange functions to share terminology maintenance with other users
etc. etc. etc.
6. Is it possible to use many glossaries or terminological database simultaneously?
- yes, multiple dictionaries from multiple databases can be used
[Addition]... and -- if you want -- you can display and use them if they were in one single datasource. Even if you would use different database servers (SQL + Oracle +...)
7. Does the program do any terminological recognition while translating?
- during the translation all known terms will be highlighted and the record from the dictionary and other information is shown in the terminology window
[Addition]... including morphological search for some languages as well other useful settings (e.g. case matching etc.)
8. There is any function for terminological quality control?
- there is a terminology check which controls, whether you used the terminology
[Addition]... and also whether you used "forbidden" terminology
9. Does it do automatically a terminological extraction?
- yes, but you have to control the results
[Addition]Of course you have to - how should a PC what you decide to be "common terms" or "special terminlogy"?
10. Is it possible to invert the languages of a glossary
- just switch the target and source language
[Addition]One click on "Swap languages"
11. Is it possible to merge many glossaries?
- yes, though not automatically
[Addition]Not completely automatically. You can specify complex synchronisation rules that decide if two data records should be one. For these cases, your merging rules apply and control how the two data records are "glued together". In real life, no rules will fit to any circumstances. In these cases, you may skip the "non-compliant" data. Or just append it (then you may have duplicates). Or you decide what your rules cannot decide (that's the not automatically part)
12. Is it possible to export a selected extract of a glossary?
- yes, if you filter for it [/quote]
[Addition]You may create complex filters using regular expressions etc. and/or filter depending on the existances of target languages etc. etc.

FINALLY: As we help to finish your work, we would appreciate to get some feedback from you in this forum

Good luck!


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