Transit NXT new macros
Təhdid postu: CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Jan 14, 2012

1=AutoInsertTermsInSegment^<CTRL_I> =<ALT_RIGHT><ALT_LEFT><ALT_KEY><T><A><S>
2=OpenRapidEntryWindow^<CTRL_U> =<ALT_2><ALT_1><ALT_KEY><T><R>
3=AddSourceAndTargetAsTerm^<CTRL_T> =<ALT_1><HOME><SHIFT_END><ALT_2><HOME><SHIFT_END><ALT_KEY><T><I>
... See more
1=AutoInsertTermsInSegment^<CTRL_I> =<ALT_RIGHT><ALT_LEFT><ALT_KEY><T><A><S>
2=OpenRapidEntryWindow^<CTRL_U> =<ALT_2><ALT_1><ALT_KEY><T><R>
3=AddSourceAndTargetAsTerm^<CTRL_T> =<ALT_1><HOME><SHIFT_END><ALT_2><HOME><SHIFT_END><ALT_KEY><T><I>
6=CancelSelections^<CTRL_Y> =<ALT_1><RIGHT><ALT_2><RIGHT>
7=ResetSegmentAndAutoInsertTerms^<CTRL_L> =<ALT_2><CTRL_ALT_BACKSPACE><ALT_KEY><T><A><S><ALT_RIGHT><ALT_LEFT>
9=ToggleCase^<CTRL_K> =<SHIFT_F3><SHIFT_F3>
10=GoToNextSegment^<CTRL_N> =<ALT_1><RIGHT><ALT_2><RIGHT><ALT_INSERT>
11=InsertFixedSPace^<SHIFT_CTRL_U> =<u_8201><DELETE>
12=SaveSelectionsAsTermPair^<CTRL_M> =<ALT_KEY><T><I>

Store in:
c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\config\users\Your_Name\DEFAULT.PRF

[Edited at 2012-01-14 19:08 GMT]

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Rev. Jan 14, 2012

Hans Lenting wrote:

12=SaveSelectionsAsTermPair^«CTRL_M» =«ALT_KEY»«T»«I»

Actually this is a much better solution:

12=SaveSelectionsAsTermPair^<CTRL_M> =<ALT_1><ALT_KEY><T><I><ALT_2>

As simple as it looks, the difference is gigantic. The reason for this is that by putting the cursor (caret) in the locked source text window, the macro cannot delete selected text.

[Edited at 2012-01-14 19:14 GMT]

Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 07:24
Member (2005)
English to Czech
+ ...
My "next segment" Jan 14, 2012

this is an AHK script without which I cannot imagine working in NXT:

SendInput {Esc}
WinActivate, SDM Source Bubble
SendInput {Esc}
WinActivate, Transit
WinWaitActive, Transit
SendInput !{Ins}
SendInput {Esc}
WinActivate, Transit
sleep, 100
SendInput {Ctrl Up}


- it is specifically useful when you want to disregard the fuzzy suggestion

- I use
... See more
this is an AHK script without which I cannot imagine working in NXT:

SendInput {Esc}
WinActivate, SDM Source Bubble
SendInput {Esc}
WinActivate, Transit
WinWaitActive, Transit
SendInput !{Ins}
SendInput {Esc}
WinActivate, Transit
sleep, 100
SendInput {Ctrl Up}


- it is specifically useful when you want to disregard the fuzzy suggestion

- I use a simple "F" key here to make work on a laptop easier

- the "sleep, 100" pause is more or less necesary on my oldest laptop only, on my newer machines a shorter lag is sufficient

- "SendInput {Ctrl Up}" may be an unecessary leftover from another script but it causes no harm

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Macro tool that works nicely with Transit Feb 25, 2012

Pitrinec has released a free version of my favorite macro tool for Transit.

Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 07:24
Member (2005)
English to Czech
+ ...
How does it compare to AHK? Feb 25, 2012

Are there, in your opinion, any adavantges of MTW in comparison with AHK to make me consider using the former?


CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
AHK or MTW? Feb 26, 2012

Antoní­n Otáhal wrote:

Are there, in your opinion, any adavantges of MTW in comparison with AHK to make me consider using the former?


AHK is good too. Sharing macros is easier. The user base is much larger, forum interaction is much better.

I think it is a matter of personal taste. I'd advise you to have a look at it, run the demo macros.

When I recreated my Transit macros in AHK and ran them I was under the impression that they weren't triggered (by events) as reliable as their MTW equivalents. Can be my AHK programming knowledge, though ...


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