Idiom: how to convert glossary in Excel into the termbase?
Təhdid postu: Oksana Weiss
Oksana Weiss
Oksana Weiss  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Apr 9, 2013

Hi all!
I just started using Idiom WorldServer Desktop Workbench and need help with creating a termbase for it from existing Excel glossary. Can you give me some tips or directions?
Thanks in advance!

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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Not possible, AFAIK Apr 9, 2013

Oksana Zoria wrote:
I just started using Idiom WorldServer Desktop Workbench and need help with creating a termbase for it from existing Excel glossary.

As far as I know, this is not possible. You can't add TMs or glossaries to Idiom. The only TMs or glossaries (i.e. termbases) that you can use in Idiom are the ones that are present in the XLZ file. Remember, the XLZ file is basically a zip file. However, although glossaries in the XLZ file are in TBX format, Idiom does not use a simplest TBX dialect, and I myself have never been able to coax Idiom into accepting an XLZ file that I've inseminated with a TBX file of my own.

If you're really desperate, you can try to use [url= of my old Idiom glossary scripts[/url], but you need to install AutoIt to make it work.

Oksana Weiss
Oksana Weiss  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Thanks! Apr 9, 2013

Thank you, Samuel! So I guess the only way is to add manually 1200+ terms to a newly created termbase:(

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Can you even add one term to the termbase? Apr 9, 2013

Oksana Zoria wrote:
So I guess the only way is to add manually 1200+ terms to a newly created termbase...

As far as I know, you can't add any terms to the Idiom term base. None at all... manually or otherwise. Only the client can do that.

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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External Apr 9, 2013

If this tool is so daft, you can circumvent it. You can dump your term list into an apsic xbench project and just use xbench for lookups. You can select a term in Idiom, press a keyboard shorcut to look up the term and just press Enter to copy the hit to the clipboard and return to Idiom.
Obviously it's not as convenient as using the built-in feature, but it beats Excel and it certainly beats entering 1200 terms by hand.

Oksana Weiss
Oksana Weiss  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Yes, I actually can! Apr 9, 2013

Just tried it - looks OK, the term is added (a lit bit lengthy process, though). The fact is that I am not even a translator - I am proofreader in this project which is very lengthy (several months), involves a lot of translators and the client's demand is to keep strictly to the glossary (which is currently in Excel). Now, the question is, will the terms from the termbases even be highlighted in the text, as in Trados, or this CAT is so weird it shall not do it?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Can you explain to us how you do it? Apr 9, 2013

Oksana Zoria wrote:
Just tried it - looks OK, the term is added (a lit bit lengthy process, though).

Okay, I'm curious -- how did you do it? Remember, some things that have to be done manually can be automated...

Oksana Weiss
Oksana Weiss  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Easy:) Apr 9, 2013

Samuel Murray wrote:
Okay, I'm curious -- how did you do it? Remember, some things that have to be done manually can be automated...

So what I did, as I do not have any project or files to work on, I just created new termbase (.wstd) and new translation memory (.wstm). It does not want to create new project though, so I guess I have to open the client's one when I get it. When I opened new termbase, it suggested to select source and target languages, which I did, and then saved it to directory under the chosen name. Next, I see two columns in the termbase tab: Source language and target language. There are buttons Add, Edit, Remove under each one. I press Add under Source language, add a term from the glossary, then press Translation, enter the translation, and it appears in the next column - Source language. Voila so far! We'll see how whether it will work when I get the actual files...

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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I hope... Apr 9, 2013

Oksana Zoria wrote:
So what I did, as I do not have any project or files to work on, I just created new termbase (.wstd) and new translation memory (.wstm).

I hope you can use that TM and that glossary with incoming projects, and I hope that when you open an incoming project file that it will not overwrite your carefully created files.

Oksana Weiss
Oksana Weiss  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:43
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Thanks! Apr 9, 2013

FarkasAndras wrote:
You can dump your term list into an apsic xbench project and just use xbench for lookups.

Thank you, we'll see, how it works.
Well, Samuel, I think I'll just leave it at that and will see what the client comes up with. If worst comes to worst, I'll have to recall how to proofread in old fashioned CAT-unsupported way:)

Denis Smolin
Denis Smolin  Identity Verified
Rusiya Federasiyası
Local time: 12:43
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An instruction from a technichian Jan 31, 2015

Dear All,

If you have a problem with a file format, your first question should be "what is this?"

In particular, your Idiom Termbase is a MS Access database. So, rename *.wstd to mdb

Open it in MS Access or any other database management system.

Now, find the source and the target terms, in your case this is table "Lemmas" and the source is in odd lines, while the target is in even ones.

Now, select the entire column and copy and
... See more
Dear All,

If you have a problem with a file format, your first question should be "what is this?"

In particular, your Idiom Termbase is a MS Access database. So, rename *.wstd to mdb

Open it in MS Access or any other database management system.

Now, find the source and the target terms, in your case this is table "Lemmas" and the source is in odd lines, while the target is in even ones.

Now, select the entire column and copy and paste it to, let's say to Excel file.

Finally you have to convert a list like:


to a list like

Network Cеть
Bear медведь

How? Thousands of ways ...

In particular you can use "iseven" function

Good luck)

[email protected]


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Idiom: how to convert glossary in Excel into the termbase?

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