accepting changes in Acrobat Pro
Təhdid postu: Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 11:17
Member (2004)
English to Slovenian
+ ...
Sep 6, 2009

I have Acrobat pro (i.e. NOT the reader, but the full-blown Acrobat) and I just can not figure out, how to make a clean PDF file from the commented version (Text replacements, deletions etc).

It must be pretty darn simple, otherwise I would not have spent the last half an hour looking for it

Thanks in advance for helping out.



Anna Villegas
Anna Villegas
Local time: 04:17
English to Spanish
Have you tried saving it? Sep 6, 2009

Plainly save as (the same name or any other).

Tjasa Kuerpick
Tjasa Kuerpick  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:17
Slovenian to German
+ ...
Instruction for deleting comments in Adobe Acrobat Reader Professional Sep 7, 2009

You cannot delete other reviewers’ comments in a shared review or a browser-based review, nor can you delete locked comments. If you add comments to PDF before you upload it to a remote server for review, you can’t delete those comments.

Move or delete comments

You can move comments that obscure the body of the PDF. You cannot delete other reviewers' comments in a shared review, or locked comments.

To move a comment, select it
... See more
You cannot delete other reviewers’ comments in a shared review or a browser-based review, nor can you delete locked comments. If you add comments to PDF before you upload it to a remote server for review, you can’t delete those comments.

Move or delete comments

You can move comments that obscure the body of the PDF. You cannot delete other reviewers' comments in a shared review, or locked comments.

To move a comment, select it, and then drag it to a new location. You cannot move text-markup comments such as highlights or insertion carets.

To delete a comment

right-click/Control-click the comment, and then choose Delete.


Open the Comments list, select the comment, and then click the Delete button or the trash Icon.

Note: Before pressing the Delete key, make sure that the comment is selected.

Right-click or Control-click the comment and choose > Properties. Deselect Locked, and then click Close.

To delete all of the comments in a PDF, use the Examine Document feature. See below

Examine a PDF for hidden content

Use the Examine Document feature to find and remove content from a document that you don't want, such as hidden text, metadata, comments, and attachments. you want to examine every PDF for bidden content before you close it or send it in email, specify that option in the Documents preferences (choose Edit Preferences [Windows] or Acrobat; Preferences [Mac OS], and select Documents on the left).

1. Choose Document, Examine Document: If items are found, they are listed in
the Examine Document dialog box with a selected check box beside each item.

2. Make sure that the check boxes are selected only for the items that you want
to remove from the document:


Metadata includes information about the document and its contents, such as the author's name, keywords, and copyright information, that can be used by search utilities. To view metadata, choose File > Properties.

File Attachments:

Files of any format can be attached to the PDF as an attachment, To view attachments, choose View > Navigation Panel > Attachments.

Annotations And Comments:

This item includes all comments that were added to the PDF using the comment and markup tools, including files attached as comments. To view comments, choose:

View > Navigation Panel > Comments.

Form Field Logic Or Actions This item includes form fields (including signature
fields), and all actions and calculations associated with form fields, If you remove this item, all form fields are flattened and can no longer be filled out, edited, or signed,

Hidden Text:

This item indicates text in the PDF that is either transparent, covered up by
other content, or the same color as the background. To view hidden text, click
Preview, Click the double arrow buttons to navigate pages that contain hidden
text, and select options to show hidden text, visible text, or both.

Hidden Layers:

PDFs can contain multiple layers that can be shown or hidden, Removing hidden
layers removes these layers from the PDF and flattens remaining layers into a
single layer, To view layers, choose View > Navigation Panel > Layers,

Bookmarks Bookmarks are links with representational text that open specific
pages in the PDF. To view bookmarks, choose View > Navigation Panel > Bookmarks.

Embedded Search Index:

An embedded search index speeds up searches in the file. To determine if the PDF contains a search index, choose Advanced > Document Processing > Manage Embedded Index, Removing indexes decreases file size but increases search time for the PDF.

Deleted Hidden Page And Image Content PDFs sometimes retain content that has been removed and which is no longer visible, such as cropped or deleted pages, or deleted images,

3. Click Remove All Checked Items to delete selected items from the file, and
click OK.

Note: When you remove checked items, additional items are automatically removed from the document: digital signatures; document information added by third-party plug-ins and applications; and special features that enable Adobe Reader users to review, sign, and fill in PDF documents.

Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 11:17
Member (2004)
English to Slovenian
+ ...
By "clean" I meant consolidated Sep 7, 2009

Tadzio wrote:
Plainly save as (the same name or any other).

Hi Tadzio:

It's unfortunately not THAT simple (g). Before asking for help, I did try it of course (the saved file is the origiinal with comments, no consolidation). I tried also
Print production (duh...)
Distiller (duh squared...)

No success.

Tjasa Kuerpick wrote:

You cannot delete other reviewers’ comments in a shared review or a browser-based review, nor can you delete locked comments. If you add comments to PDF before you upload it to a remote server for review, you can’t delete those comments

Hi Tjaša:

I appreciate your extensive answer. However, it does not adress my problem. My question is unfortunately ill-posed - appologies.

I am the owner, author, reviewer etc, all in one person, of a PDF file that has been edited (textual changes, some deletions, simple insertions, like missing blanks). What I need is the command to create a file, where the changes have been executed (no more comments, all of the now embedded in the file). In other words, what one gets in Word, when requesting "accept all changes".



Roberta Anderson
Roberta Anderson  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:17
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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Don't think it's possible, but... Sep 8, 2009

VitoSmolej wrote:

What I need is the command to create a file, where the changes have been executed (no more comments, all of the now embedded in the file). In other words, what one gets in Word, when requesting "accept all changes".

Hi Vito

I dont' believe this is possible with PDFs, since this would require word processor functionality (such as text reflow) and Acrobat is intended for final output.

However, quoting from the link below, “If you have a tagged Adobe® PDF created from a Microsoft Word XP, or Word 2002 or later document, you can automatically integrate edits into the original document from Adobe Acrobat® if the conversion was done using the PDFMaker in Windows—no manual corrections required!”, as described here:

Hope this helps,

Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 11:17
Member (2004)
English to Slovenian
+ ...
Also don't think it's possible Sep 8, 2009

Roberta Anderson wrote:

I dont' believe this is possible with PDFs, since this would require word processor functionality (such as text reflow) and Acrobat is intended for final output.

Exporting the PDF to RTF or DOC gives me a Word file with comments (duh...). Looks like PDF format is designed and intended to be write-only...

The subject file, that started it all, has been generated from TTX-RTF-FrameMaker->PDF. It looks like my agent is using the edited PDF (i.e. the comments sheet I gues) to make changes in RTF to propagate them into the final version. Imagine all the superfluous blanks as single deletions, lowercase vs uppercase changes ... I think this is absolutely, metaphysically (*) insane, but it looks like it's for real.



(*): quoting the one and only John Mclaughlin (of the John Mclaughlin Group)

Local time: 12:17
Same issue Jun 10, 2011

Hi Vito,

I am having the same problem you were facing. And luck with that?

Thank you

Try Another Way Jul 7, 2011

Maybe you can try to convert your files to .doc or .rtf formats first and then edit them.

Nemo PDF Converter is easy to use.


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accepting changes in Acrobat Pro

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