The contest "Game on" is now in finals phase
Təhdid postu: Julieta Llamazares
Julieta Llamazares
Julieta Llamazares  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:36
English to Spanish
+ ...
Aug 9, 2021

Dear all,

I'm happy to announce that the translation contest "Game on" is now in finals phase, and we are closer to finding out winners! You can vote for your favourite translations in the following language pairs:
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Dear all,

I'm happy to announce that the translation contest "Game on" is now in finals phase, and we are closer to finding out winners! You can vote for your favourite translations in the following language pairs:

English to Serbian
English to Chinese
English to Japanese
English to Russian
English to Ukrainian
English to Hebrew
English to Hungarian
English to Malay
English to Romanian
English to Thai
Spanish to Catalan
English to Slovak
English to Swahili
English to Vietnamese
English to Malayalam
English to Polish
Spanish to Polish
English to Croatian
English to Albanian
English to Bengali
English to Bulgarian
English to Catalan
English to Dutch
English to Finnish
English to Hausa
English to Hindi
English to Indonesian
English to Pashto (Pushto)
English to Turkish
English to Urdu
Spanish to Arabic
Spanish to Bulgarian
Spanish to Czech
Spanish to German
Spanish to Japanese
Spanish to Russian
English to Portuguese (BR)
English to Portuguese (EU)
English to French
English to Arabic
English to German
English to Italian

There were not enough ratings or entries to determine finalists in the following language pairs, which is why they were placed in feedback:

English to Gujarati
English to Macedonian
English to Slovenian
English to Tamil
English to Tagalog
Spanish to Hungarian
English to Czech
English to Irish
English to Punjabi
Spanish to Croatian
Spanish to Dutch
Spanish to Persian (Farsi)
Spanish to Swahili
Spanish to Tagalog
Spanish to English
Spanish to Portuguese (EU)
Spanish to Portuguese (BR)
English to Persian (Farsi)
English to Korean

Thank you to everyone who participated and rated entries!

Kristina Love
Kristina Love  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:36
Spanish to English
+ ...
That's it? Aug 9, 2021

This is the first time I entered the contest, and it went nowhere even though there were 20 entries? Because hardly anyone rated the entries?

This is the first time I entered a ProZ translation contest, and it's also the last.

Some entries got 8 ratings while others only got 3. There has to be a better way of doing this. There should be a panel of qualified volunteer judges (maybe from the Certified PROS network, or the ProZ staff) and each entry should get an equal
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This is the first time I entered the contest, and it went nowhere even though there were 20 entries? Because hardly anyone rated the entries?

This is the first time I entered a ProZ translation contest, and it's also the last.

Some entries got 8 ratings while others only got 3. There has to be a better way of doing this. There should be a panel of qualified volunteer judges (maybe from the Certified PROS network, or the ProZ staff) and each entry should get an equal number of ratings.

I had no idea this was going to fizzle out and become nothing because not even the other entrants bothered to rate everyone else's entry. I rated every single other entry, and I can also see that I was too generous with my ratings while others were too stingy. The outcome is absolutely ridiculous. And it was all for nothing? I wish I had known it was not a real contest before I entered. Not going to happen again.

Julieta Llamazares
Julieta Llamazares  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:36
English to Spanish
+ ...
Finalists and winners selection Aug 10, 2021

Hi Kristina,

The idea of putting together a jury has been brought up in the past, and there are multiple reasons why it would not work better than the rating and voting system. Mainly, it would be too hard to find at least 3 members to be juries in all the language pair combinations that open during the contests. And since the exact number and combination of language pairs is unpredictable before the contest is started, the juries would have to be selected as the competition is ongo
... See more
Hi Kristina,

The idea of putting together a jury has been brought up in the past, and there are multiple reasons why it would not work better than the rating and voting system. Mainly, it would be too hard to find at least 3 members to be juries in all the language pair combinations that open during the contests. And since the exact number and combination of language pairs is unpredictable before the contest is started, the juries would have to be selected as the competition is ongoing. The current system, on the other hand, allows all users who work in a given language pair to judge entries.

In the case of Spanish to English, although there were some ratings, the average rating point did not reach the minimum ratio that makes it possible to select finalists, as it happened with other language pairs that were in Qualification phase as well and are now in Finals.

I hope this clarifies,

Kristina Love
Kristina Love
Kristina Love  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:36
Spanish to English
+ ...
suggestions Aug 10, 2021

Hi Julieta,

Thank you for clarifying. I understand why not many people want to volunteer to judge (it takes time away from their paid work), but I have a couple of suggestions (though I realize others may have thought of these before).

I notice that there is a box on the homepage now inviting everyone to choose the best entry of the final phase. Could there not also be a similar box during the hybrid phase, so that there will be enough ratings to move it to finals?
... See more
Hi Julieta,

Thank you for clarifying. I understand why not many people want to volunteer to judge (it takes time away from their paid work), but I have a couple of suggestions (though I realize others may have thought of these before).

I notice that there is a box on the homepage now inviting everyone to choose the best entry of the final phase. Could there not also be a similar box during the hybrid phase, so that there will be enough ratings to move it to finals? Seems like that would be simple to do, though I don't know if it would be enough.

Another suggestion is to simply hold contests only in language pairs that have a judges panel (volunteers who have already committed to judge, before the contest even begins). If there are not enough judges, then no contest would even be announced in that language pair - at least that way no one wastes their time entering and rating.

Another possible option is that the staff of ProZ provides judges, either by using qualified ProZ employees as judges or by recruiting qualified judges and paying them a small fee for their time, or both.

How are other Translation contests conducted in other venues, such as magazines or trade associations? (I don't actually know the answer, I'm really asking.) Maybe there is a successful model out there that can be adapted to ProZ and emulated?

I just think contests are a great idea and would love to participate in one on ProZ, but I don't see myself doing it unless some changes are made and I think I'm not the only one.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:36
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
@Kristina Aug 11, 2021

Join the group! Some of us who used to participate in the beginning (for my part between 2008 and 2014) have been saying over the years that these competitions are very poorly designed. I can only imagine the difficulty of running a contest for all possible language pairs, but as an active paying member I for one feel entitled to expect from the organizers a more caring, supportive and cooperative attitude towards those who made these contests possible instead of turning deaf ears to what we hav... See more
Join the group! Some of us who used to participate in the beginning (for my part between 2008 and 2014) have been saying over the years that these competitions are very poorly designed. I can only imagine the difficulty of running a contest for all possible language pairs, but as an active paying member I for one feel entitled to expect from the organizers a more caring, supportive and cooperative attitude towards those who made these contests possible instead of turning deaf ears to what we have been saying. My criticism has always been aimed at helping set up a better translation contest.Collapse

Erik Freitag
Christel Zipfel
Kristina Love
Philip Lees
Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:36
Member (2006)
Dutch to German
+ ...
Agree Aug 11, 2021

Teresa Borges wrote:

Join the group! Some of us who used to participate in the beginning (for my part between 2008 and 2014) have been saying over the years that these competitions are very poorly designed. I can only imagine the difficulty of running a contest for all possible language pairs, but as an active paying member I for one feel entitled to expect from the organizers a more caring, supportive and cooperative attitude towards those who made these contests possible instead of turning deaf ears to what we have been saying. My criticism has always been aimed at helping set up a better translation contest.

I agree.

I also believe that this is actively turning people away from entering the contest, and also from rating entries.

I for one have taken the time to rate entries in both the qualification and final phases of most of the past contests, only to see time and again that my effort was wasted because some "minimum ratio" (that is a strictly guarded secret) wasn't reached.

I've therefore chosen not to do this any more, and I imagine I'm not the only one.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Christel Zipfel
Elena Feriani
Kristina Love
Philip Lees

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The contest "Game on" is now in finals phase

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