Paying Markets for Literary Translators
Təhdid postu: Arabic & More
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Jun 25, 2021

Greetings all,

I recently put together a list of 350 paying literary markets of interest to creative writers and translators. About a third of the markets specifically say that they accept translations, making it a handy reference for anyone in search of viable paying markets for translated works of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction, which includes everything from memoirs and personal essays to travelogues, diaries, and more.

The information is available as a Ki
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Greetings all,

I recently put together a list of 350 paying literary markets of interest to creative writers and translators. About a third of the markets specifically say that they accept translations, making it a handy reference for anyone in search of viable paying markets for translated works of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction, which includes everything from memoirs and personal essays to travelogues, diaries, and more.

The information is available as a Kindle e-book and is free to subscribers of Kindle Unlimited.

Amazon USA:

Amazon UK:

Kartini Rahmatillah
Arabic & More
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Paying Markets for Translated Poetry Jul 2, 2021

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post listing five paying markets for translated poetry.

Check it out if you are interested in publishing your translated works. These markets pay anywhere from $40 to $200 per poem, while others pay by the page:

Kartini Rahmatillah
Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
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Free Resource Jul 25, 2021

Greetings once again...

I recently put together a short PDF document with ten paying literary markets of interest to writers (and translators!) from Africa and the African diaspora:
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Greetings once again...

I recently put together a short PDF document with ten paying literary markets of interest to writers (and translators!) from Africa and the African diaspora:

I hope you enjoy this free resource!

Arabic & More
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For those who may be interested... Jul 26, 2021

An upcoming science fiction and science anthology sponsored by the European Astrobiology Institute and Laksa Media Groups pays writers 8 cents per word and accepts translated work! The translator also receives 8 cents per word. Check out the guidelines below:

Arabic & More
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More speculative fiction Jul 27, 2021

For those who translate science fiction and fantasy, my new e-book for creative writers and translators (mentioned above) contains more than 35 paying speculative fiction markets.

I’ve noticed that these markets tend to be open to translated work and often (but not always!) pay at least 8 to 10+ cents per word.

For one example, see Samovar, which is focused exclusively on speculative fiction in translation:
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For those who translate science fiction and fantasy, my new e-book for creative writers and translators (mentioned above) contains more than 35 paying speculative fiction markets.

I’ve noticed that these markets tend to be open to translated work and often (but not always!) pay at least 8 to 10+ cents per word.

For one example, see Samovar, which is focused exclusively on speculative fiction in translation:

To access the book, choose the appropriate link for your location:

Amazon USA:

Amazon UK:

Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
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Free Promotion! Jul 29, 2021

For a limited time (5 days only), my newly compiled directory of 350 paying literary markets for creative writers and translators (mentioned above) will be available for free download from Amazon.

This offer will begin on July 30 and end on August 3, 2021.

Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
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Last day of free promotion Aug 3, 2021

Today is the last day of the free promotion I mentioned above.

Sometimes we see postings on this site from people who want to build up their translation portfolios, and literary translations can be a great way to achieve that, especially when your work is accepted for publication in a magazine that you can show to publishers and others who may be interested in your work.

Translations of this type can also serve as fun “side-projects” when you are between jobs, or
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Today is the last day of the free promotion I mentioned above.

Sometimes we see postings on this site from people who want to build up their translation portfolios, and literary translations can be a great way to achieve that, especially when your work is accepted for publication in a magazine that you can show to publishers and others who may be interested in your work.

Translations of this type can also serve as fun “side-projects” when you are between jobs, or even while you are working on more technical projects to make ends meet.

Some people shy away from literary translation, thinking that it only involves fiction and poetry, but this is far from the case. As noted above, creative non-fiction is also part of the deal and is very much in demand.

Many literary publications also publish interviews with artists and authors, so if you are able to interview someone of interest (such as an emerging author in your country), then you may be able to have a translation of the interview published in one of the many markets that accepts this type of work.

As for payment, the rates offered by such publications vary greatly. Some of the rates are low, while others are much more palatable, paying at least 8 to 10 cents per word, if not more in several cases. The Bare Life Review, for example, which focuses on the writing of immigrant and refugee writers and also publishes translations, pays $750 for some types of writing.

Want to find out more?

Then download the book! It is completely free on Amazon until August 3, 2021.

Amazon USA:

Amazon UK:

If you are in another country, I provide additional Amazon links on my website:

[Edited at 2021-08-03 06:55 GMT]

Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
Arabic to English
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Paying Markets for Literary Translators Sep 24, 2021

I have made some of the material from my book available on my website for free to help people become more familiar with the types of opportunities that are available to translators. Check out the latest listings here:


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Paying Markets for Literary Translators

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