Translation of theater plays - German to French to German
Təhdid postu: Adrian Garcia-Landa
Adrian Garcia-Landa
Adrian Garcia-Landa  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:07
English to French
+ ...
Mar 23, 2010


I wanted to attract your attention on the programme "Theater Transfer" / "Transfert Théatral" destined to promote the translation of theatre plays from German into French and vice versa, so that the theatre productions especially of both countries are better known.

Organized and supported by the Goethe Institut, the dva Stifting, the French Embassy in Berlin, the Institut Beaumarchais etc... you can read more a
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I wanted to attract your attention on the programme "Theater Transfer" / "Transfert Théatral" destined to promote the translation of theatre plays from German into French and vice versa, so that the theatre productions especially of both countries are better known.

Organized and supported by the Goethe Institut, the dva Stifting, the French Embassy in Berlin, the Institut Beaumarchais etc... you can read more about it here:

The selected translation projects (4 per year) receive a subsidy of 1000 to 2500 euros and the aim is to organise a stage production of the translated play.

Spread the word if you know somebody who's interested...

Kind regards,


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Translation of theater plays - German to French to German

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