Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 22 '09 esl>eng cautivará sus sentidos will enchant your senses easy closed ok
- Jun 23 '08 eng>esl My mother thinks I'll be an awful clutcher mi madre piensa/opina/cree que no pillaré/agarraré/conseguiré nada//que se me da fatal lo de agarrar easy closed ok
- May 29 '08 eng>esl late forties llegando a los cincuenta/acercándose a los cincuenta easy closed ok
- May 29 '08 eng>esl mid twenties veintitantos easy closed ok
- May 29 '08 eng>esl early thirties treinta y pocos años easy closed ok
- Apr 20 '08 esl>eng para los tristes poetas que inspiraron historias trémulas. for the sad/forlorn poets who inspired quivering/tremulous stories easy open no
- Jul 18 '07 eng>esl Award Winning Hollywood Playwright Guionista galardonado con un Oscar/Oscarizado guionista easy closed no
4 Jul 16 '07 eng>esl military burr corte/ademán militar easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered