Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 14 '05 chi>eng 厚重寡言 good-mannered and taciturn pro closed ok
- Apr 21 '05 eng>chi VE Day 欧洲胜利(纪念)日 pro open no
- Jul 29 '04 eng>chi Sentence 不难解释柏拉图富有魅力的乌托邦理想长期以来对人类思想的影响力。 pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '04 eng>chi various provisions for eugenic improvement of the stock of his guardians 为了他的保护者实施人种优化的各种规定 pro closed ok
4 Jul 29 '04 eng>chi each man has the place for which he was designed by nature 命由天定,各得其所 pro closed ok
4 Jul 26 '04 eng>chi bits of experience of given data FYI pro closed ok
4 Jul 23 '04 eng>chi their root word for private has come to be our word idiot FYI pro closed ok
3 Jul 22 '04 eng>chi what the Athenians were up against in Socrates 雅典人与苏格拉底的分歧所在 pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '04 eng>chi produce (here) 塑造-->诞生 pro closed ok
- May 31 '04 eng>chi 医学常识问题 FYI pro closed no
4 May 31 '04 eng>chi Murad IV 穆拉德四世 pro closed no
- May 30 '04 eng>chi a correctional officer (戒毒治疗)矫正官员/管制官员 pro closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>chi getting rid of 处理(掉)/清理 pro closed ok
4 May 30 '04 eng>chi most of the authors recommending commitment to an institution 建议将吸毒者送进精神病院(/医院)治疗的大多数研究人员(/作者) pro closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>chi further encroachments 对政府进一步侵犯人权的行为 pro closed ok
4 May 30 '04 eng>chi maneuvers 演习 pro closed ok
- May 30 '04 eng>chi native races 本国各民族/国内各民族 pro closed no
- May 30 '04 eng>chi Treatise on Therapeutics (药物)疗法论 pro closed no
4 May 29 '04 eng>chi Associations 1917 Resolution 1917年的协会决议/协会于1917年作出的决议 pro closed no
- May 28 '04 eng>chi The Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act 反弹琵琶__戒毒康复法案 pro closed ok
- May 28 '04 eng>chi supporting 稳定(烟草价格) pro closed no
- May 28 '04 eng>chi detention in hospital 强制住院 pro closed ok
- May 28 '04 eng>chi Memorandum of Evidence 举证备忘录 pro closed no
4 May 28 '04 eng>chi and the world FYI pro closed no
4 May 27 '04 eng>chi terminated without prejudice 属正常解职 pro closed ok
4 May 27 '04 eng>chi change into the grateful anonymity of bathing suits 惬意地换上游泳衣,而不必担心会被人认出来 pro closed no
4 May 27 '04 eng>chi Fornicate and take drugs against the terrible strain of idiots 通过同奸和吸毒去反抗那帮统治世界的令人厌恶的傻子们 pro closed no
4 May 27 '04 eng>chi bound on 将要(即将)休登岸假 pro closed ok
- May 2 '04 eng>chi lily limp (百合)花残/花瘸/护花残腿 pro closed no
4 May 2 '04 eng>chi Korean stewartia 朝鲜紫茎? pro closed no
4 May 2 '04 eng>chi at that 而且还是 pro closed ok
- May 2 '04 eng>chi a cluster of huts FYI pro closed no
4 May 2 '04 eng>chi Russian Imperial Navy 沙俄帝国海军 pro closed no
4 Apr 30 '04 eng>chi Netsilik 耐特斯里克 pro closed ok
4 Apr 30 '04 eng>chi Genius, Temper, Disposition and Number 才智、性情、习性(惯)和人数 pro closed no
- Apr 29 '04 eng>chi sedentary 不常活动的,缺乏锻炼的,体质文弱的 pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered