Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 15 '06 eng>chi gung-ho 工合 pro closed no
- Jan 15 '06 chi>eng help The breath comes out through the nose, but enters the small intestine via corners of mouth. pro just_closed no
- Jan 15 '06 chi>eng help Feeling light all over as if hung from a beam, feeling loose and clean in the abdomen pro just_closed no
- Jan 15 '06 chi>eng help Originally, there's no clear temperature and the foul air was cold, but the supernatural being has pro just_closed no
- Feb 11 '06 chi>eng 两腿铺地如顽石,下盘稳固定根基 The two legs spread over the ground as a rock,coiling up steadily and reinforcing the ... pro open no
4 Feb 11 '06 chi>eng 未会牵牛意何在, 年年祈与人间巧 I don't understand what Altair means...You bestow blessings on the world year after year. pro closed no
4 Dec 20 '05 chi>eng 台湾政治大学 National Chengqi University pro closed no
- Nov 10 '05 chi>eng 因缘际会 Yes pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '05 chi>eng 半途出家 switch to a job one was not trained for pro closed no
4 Aug 23 '05 chi>eng 取长补短 learn from others' strong points to offset one's own weaknesses pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered