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Previous translation contests

First Translation Contest 2007

English to Chinese


Source text:

When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, his charm, bright talk, and undeniable good looks, overwhelmed her as soon as she saw him. So she fell in love with him immediately, and remained in love for ever. And herself being comely, sensitive, and adoring, she attracted my father also. And so he married her. And so later he left her - with his children and some more of her own.

When he'd gone, she brought us to the village and waited. She waited for thirty years. I don't think she ever knew what had made him desert her, though the reasons seemed clear enough. She was too honest, too natural for this frightened man; too remote from his tidy laws. She was, after all, a country girl; disordered, hysterical, loving. She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawked loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. She lived by the easy laws of the hedgerow, loved the world, and made no plans, had a quick holy eye for natural wonders and couldn't have kept a neat house for her life. What my father wished for was something quite different, something she could never give him - the protective order of an unimpeachable suburbia, which was what he got in the end.

The three or four years Mother spent with my father she fed on for the rest of her life. Her happiness at that time was something she guarded as though it must ensure his eventual return. She would talk about it almost in awe, not that it had ceased but that it had happened at all.

Entry #296 - Points: 0
María Florencia Vita
Dear member,

Please use this thread to post your entry (from English into this particular language) for the first translation contest.

The source text for this contest is:

When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, Show full text

Entry #298 - Points: 0
Wenjer Leuschel (X)

母亲三十岁时,迁入父亲在石巢礅的小屋,接手照料他的四个孩子,当时她还相当帅气。我想,她以前没有遇见过像他这样的男人。这个几分有板有眼的小伙子,热切殷勤,既会弹唱又有雄心大志,举止翩翩,谈吐令人开心 ,相貌长得更是标致,教她一见倾心,当下坠入情网,从此不能自拔。而她本身神态恬适,多情善感,长得楚楚动人,也吸引了我的父亲。就这样他娶了 Show full text

Entry #300 - Points: 0
Shaojie Huang
    当初,妈妈搬到斯特劳德,住进了他的小房子,帮助照顾他的四个小孩,那时妈妈三十岁,还很漂亮。我想她以前从来没有见过像他那样的人。那时他很年轻,颇有点自命清高,有一种真诚的贵族气,他仪态优雅,风流倜傥 ,志向高远,谈吐不凡;不能否认,他还有英俊的外表。所有这些,让她一见之下,就为之倾倒了。她立刻爱上了他,而且从那以后始终� Show full text

Entry #302 - Points: 0
Bin Zhao
    当妈妈搬进他在Stroud的蜗居,照看他的四个孩子的时候,是30岁,温雅大方。我猜妈妈之前从没有遇到过像他那样的男子。这个有点自负的年轻人,为人真诚,举止优雅;他的音乐才能和他的抱负,他的魅力,他 的高谈阔论,不可否认的好长相,在她一看到他时就征服了她。她很快与他坠入情网,共浴爱河,此生不渝。她的清秀、敏感和可爱,同样吸引了我� Show full text

Entry #304 - Points: 0
Zong Yang Yu

在她搬到斯特劳德区他的小房、照管他的四个孩子那会儿,妈妈三十岁,仍风韵十足。我猜想,她平生还未见过他那样的人。这个颇为自命不凡的青年男子,彬彬有礼,风度翩翩,他悦耳的声音和劲头,他的魅力,伶俐的谈 吐和不可抗拒的美貌,刚照面就彻底征服了她。她对他一见钟情,一生不渝。而她本人清新秀丽、脉脉含羞、招人爱的样子,也吸引着我父亲。他就娶了 Show full text

Entry #306 - Points: 0
Julia Zou

  在搬进斯特劳德的小房子照看他的四个小孩时,母亲三十岁,仍然很漂亮。我想,她以前没遇到过他那样的男人。这个相当自负的年轻人温尔文雅、气度不凡,他的音乐才华、雄心抱负、迷人的魅力、机敏的谈吐以及无可否 认的俊美容颜令她一见倾心。因此,她立刻就和他坠入了爱河,并且永远在爱河沉醉下去。那时,她也是清秀敏感、招人喜欢,同样吸引了我的 Show full text

Entry #308 - Points: 0
Linguist Laureate
      妈妈搬进他在斯特劳德的小小的房子、并且照管他的4个小孩的时候,已经30岁,却依然颇为端庄。我觉得她可能从未遇见过像他那样的男人。他是个自命不凡的年轻男子,他的虔诚优雅,他的气度风范,他的音乐和梦想 ,他的魅力,他的睿智谈吐,和毋庸置疑的英俊相貌,让她一见到他就被征服。 于是她立刻爱上了他,并且爱得终生不渝。而她自己 Show full text

Entry #310 - Points: 0
  三十岁那年,母亲搬进他在斯特劳德的小屋,替他照顾四个年幼的孩子。那时母亲还很漂亮。我想,她以前没有遇到过像他这样的人。他是一个相当自负的年轻人,虔诚,优雅,举止很有教养;他有良好的音乐天赋,雄心 勃勃,魅力四射;他的谈吐生机洋溢,而面容英俊,令人无以抵御。她对他一见倾心,也一生为爱所牵。她秀丽,感性,对他充满了爱慕,而父亲也为她� Show full text

Entry #312 - Points: 0
Chun Un
那年妈妈三十岁,人还很俊俏,就搬进了他在斯特劳德的小屋,照管起他的四个小孩子。我想,在这之前,她从没遇到过这样的男人。他的年轻、他的书卷气、他的斯文、他的儒雅、他的音乐和雄心、他的风流倜傥、他的侃侃 而谈、他的英俊相貌,都使妈妈一见倾心。她一下子爱上了他,并且终生不渝。妈妈的秀丽、敏感和对他的爱慕也吸引了他。就这样他娶了她,后来也就� Show full text

Entry #314 - Points: 0
Shaunna (X)
当她搬到斯兆伍德他狭小的房子里并开始照看他的四个小孩的时候, 母亲三十岁, 还相当标致的. 我猜她以前还从来没有遇见过象他这样的人. 这个颇为自负的年轻男人, 以他十足的优雅做派, 他的举止和气度, 他的音乐和野心, 他的魅力和机智的谈吐, 还有那无法否认的英俊, 令她一见倾心.  于是她立刻就爱上了他, 并且永远爱着. 而她自己, 漂亮, 敏感, 满怀爱慕, 也吸引了我的父亲.  于是他就娶了她. Show full text

Entry #316 - Points: 0
Rahmat Rahmat, Ph.D. (X)
那时,她搬进他位于史卓德的小房子,照顾他四个尚小的子女,当时的母亲还漂亮年轻,年龄仅三十岁。我想,她以前应该没有见过象他这样的男人 。这位言谈迂腐、说话酸溜溜的青年男子,以他的虔敬文雅的举止、他的礼貌、他的音乐和雄心、帅气富有魅力而又谈吐得体的他很快已经让她感到一丝丝的陶醉。事到如今,她已陷入情网之中,一发难收拾的爱上了他。她 自己也 Show full text

Feedback - First Translation Contest 2007
This space is provided for feedback and suggestions about the contest in this particular language pair.
As we have already planned, this feature is now open to all members (full, community and student members).