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Long-term interpreting job during installation of new machinery in printing industry.


I Do That

2-week interperting project related to automated transport system installation and commissioning in printing industry

IT,transportation system,printing,conveyor system,corrugated board


I Do That

  • English英语译成Czech捷克语
  • Printing & Publishing, Automation & Robotics, IT (Information Technology)

I have been working on a long-term interpreting project since September last year. This project relates to implementation of a new version of IT system and in fact it combines the areas of IT, accounting, manufacturing, inventories, purchasing and supplier management.


1 userI Do That

Code of Conduct, English to Czech, ca. 20 k words


I Do That

I'll be working on harmonization of a patient questionnaire and then I'll be working on a large eLearning project in HR area (abour 25 k words) (EN-CZ)


I Do That


A short harmonization project of a patient questionnaire; and then company HR materials


I Do That

I'm currently working on a set of company HR materials, such as a Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery Policy, etc. from English to Czech.


I Do That