Translation glossary: Finance

Showing entries 1-15 of 15
Accionistas por desembolsos no exigidosuncalled (share) capital 
Spanish to English
acreditación de haberespayment disbursement 
Spanish to English
Activos y Pasivos MEassets and liabilities in foreign currency 
Spanish to English
Adelantos a rendirprepaid expenses 
Spanish to English
clausula sin recurso (en pagare o letra de cambio)clause without recourse 
Spanish to English
gross carrying value / book valuevalor de balance/ según balance/ contable 
English to Spanish
HTM(held-to-maturity) hasta su vencimiento 
English to Spanish
lucro cesante ( derecho laboral)loss of income, loss of earnings 
Spanish to English
par value of CHF 1 mcon un valor nominal de 1m francos suizos 
English to Spanish
representativo de parte patrimonial o deudaaccounting for/ represeting assets and receivables 
Spanish to English
secured borrowed fundspréstamos garantizados 
English to Spanish
sinking funds needs, estate growthnecesidad de fondos de amortización, crecimineto de patrimonio 
English to Spanish
sinking funds needs, estate growthnecesidad de fondos de amortización, crecimiento de patrimonio 
English to Spanish
transferencia de fondos BCCentral Bank fund transfer 
Spanish to English
Venture Capitalistinversor de capital de riesgo 
English to Spanish
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