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Search results: (48 matches)
Indonesian Crowdsourcing [kumpuldaya] untuk proyek terjemahan Kalo jawabannya hobby bagaimana Kalau jawabannya mereka adalah penerjemah
profesional punya hobby jadi penerjemah amatir
(tidak dibayar) bagaimana :) ? Ya namanya hobby
mau gimana lagi... :)
ivo abdman Oct 15, 2009
Teaching and Learning Languages Terminology Just my quest I think Letters of recommendation is more formal
than recommendation letters refference letters
has same meaning as letters of recommendation, but
again letters of recommendation more for
ivo abdman Jul 18, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Movie titles (Funny) But ... Is there any connection with emperor penguin
uins emperor penguin: a very large Antarctic
penguin with orange-yellow patches on its
ivo abdman Jun 17, 2008
Office applications Cannot open doc files after installing Trados How about click 1 x and then press enter Dear Tacobell Onces I encountered the problem
like this on installing other software. May be
there are some conflict. Sometime I can click and
sometime I can't. By the way, How a
ivo abdman May 19, 2008
Internet for translators Help me pls, I can't access yahoo and google Many Thanks Dear Johanna, Thank you so much They are
very usefull I will try them :)
ivo abdman May 10, 2008
Internet for translators Help me pls, I can't access yahoo and google Hi All For weeks I can't access yahoo and
google, but other sites are no problem e.g. etc. . I have checked my internet
explorer option and firewall there is no block et
ivo abdman May 9, 2008
Business issues A project without proof-reader another point of view [quote]Yuko Lee wrote: ....... The English text
seemed translated from Germany bacause of
containing some mistakes due to the translation
process. [/quote] What your action kno
ivo abdman Mar 8, 2008
French cocorico Hello all Just currious, about french touch in
the poem. Would you like give me french touch on
my poem below. Any modification will be
appreciated, in french ok but preferably in
ivo abdman Mar 6, 2008
Money matters Do you give discounts for matches, fuzzies? My suggestion How about if we only translate the origin, and the
fuzzy match of origin will do by second translator
(fuzzy match-spesific translator). Actually (I
think) fuzzy match only provide decc
ivo abdman Mar 6, 2008
Literature / Poetry This Rooster Crow Poem Draft Is Good enough? Kraii - Afrikaan (has been killed while crowing ? :-)) [quote]Jack Doughty wrote: This page has a few
more, mostly in African
[/quote] Thanks I
ivo abdman Feb 29, 2008
Literature / Poetry This Rooster Crow Poem Draft Is Good enough? Is there any ref. or anything backing your both corrections [quote]JaneTranslates wrote: [quote]Russell
Jones wrote: Cock-a-doodle-doo
[/quote] U.S. roosters, noted for their
excellent spelling skills, also say
"cock-a-doodle-doo," no
ivo abdman Feb 29, 2008
Literature / Poetry This Rooster Crow Poem Draft Is Good enough? Thanks, I have new clearer image now about the poem [quote]Marie-Hélène Hayles wrote: 1) use of
the word "mistresses", which has a rather
unfortunate implication in English. Fortunately
you can just say [b]to encourage their beloved to
ivo abdman Feb 28, 2008
Business issues Unbelievable email-message Why not try to reply If you have times, why not I hope there is
another gate opened for you
ivo abdman Feb 28, 2008
Literature / Poetry This Rooster Crow Poem Draft Is Good enough? Hi all Continuing my post, herewith I
enclosed my poem. Would you like to give me any
suggestions, critics, comments, and etc regarding
the terms I h
ivo abdman Feb 28, 2008 job systems Job poster location If you do not want the job let go If there isn't any clue where their
station please check 1. How long they joined
in Proz if any 2. Check their site if any 3.
Take the job (or avoid the job) 4. Pray they will
ivo abdman Feb 24, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Technical texts: Linguistic correction versus professional slang the objective is message could be captured clearly the two component of translation preference 1.
meaning 2. style in target language but
please do not toooo clear :)
ivo abdman Feb 24, 2008
Money matters One word translation ask them to ask in kudoz give income for translators, rather then
free rate : 4 (for selected answer) and browniz
for shopping
ivo abdman Feb 22, 2008
KudoZ Peer-comments by members not speaking the language Description on what happen The consultant give smart suggestions no more than
client's smartness
ivo abdman Feb 22, 2008
Off topic Mathematician needed to solve a problem About Zero 1/0" is a paradox; in a way that "0/1" is not.
Nothing can be divided by zero. If one approaches
the formula from the positive side, it would
appear that the answer is an infinite positive
ivo abdman Feb 1, 2008
Indonesian terjemahan di dunia nyata Tursirankah ? Ha ha ha Mungkin kerjaannya Bandar
Narkoba Hurufnya ada kejanggalan, tingkat
kemiringannya beda. Tukang sablon profesional gak
akan melakukan kesalahan kayak begini Lagi
marak di
ivo abdman Jan 31, 2008
KudoZ Maximum time to keep a question open No Problemo its Still Acceptable It's encourage you to be responsible for your
question judgement, trained you to become quicker
thinking, isn't it
ivo abdman Jan 30, 2008
Indonesian tarik duit gratis dari paypal Coba dulu ya kalo berhasil bilang2 panduannya
ivo abdman Jan 29, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Test translations - AGAIN! I agree only 150 words max. Test is necessary, but make it as simple but
tricky test with 150 words maximum
ivo abdman Jan 28, 2008
Money matters Should I pay or not? Send Reason and Judgment Dear accents, I don't know about your history,
I just utter my opinion. Judge quality only from
the rate ? is there any better way to check the
quality ? Complicated Steps Could be
ivo abdman Jan 27, 2008
Being independent In-house agency translators and freelancers From view of ESBI Quadrant Left Quadrant E---> Employment S---> Self
employment Right
Quadrant B--->Bussiness I--->Investment in-
house translator ---> E freelancer translator
---> S Both are
ivo abdman Jan 23, 2008
Translator resources Dictionary Center - an idea Kudoz is the best dictionary center Kudoz is the best dictionary center, more complete
than you ever imagine Have you familiar with
this service ?. Use it carefully, sometime
there are a trap from the one who want get
ivo abdman Jan 23, 2008
Off topic How do you say...."Be Happy" in other languages? What was/is your happiest moment in translation? Life is Only Forward Doors When we open a door We'll go through and face
many doors When we chose one and open
again We'll see many other doors inside When we
confuse and want go back There is no reverse door
ivo abdman Jan 23, 2008
Literature / Poetry Recently, I need the sound of crowing of a rooster that most exotic for my poem the winner at a moment the winner at a momen come to In Canada
English-speaking roosters say
Cockle-doodle-dooo! and the Francophone roosters
say Co-co-ree-co! Nancy and the one that
make me
ivo abdman Jan 22, 2008
Literature / Poetry Recently, I need the sound of crowing of a rooster that most exotic for my poem Hi all, Recently, I need the sound of crowing
of a cock that most exotic for my poem. Would
you like to provide me with a crowing sound of a
cock in the morning of your country, f
ivo abdman Jan 21, 2008
Money matters Translation used but payment not received prepare aliby and ultimatum them prepare aliby and ultimatum them with suggestions
mentioned above.
ivo abdman Jan 21, 2008
Literature / Poetry Does this translation conform to the current English poetics? There is no limitation on modern way It depent on context In modern poetics just
strange image, peculiar or no is no problem,
sometime experience of specific sound of vowel has
different meaning between others of writers o
ivo abdman Jan 21, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice I don't want to work, but I work :) - any solutions? Simple Way of Ordinary Person Just seek out what you need Not what you
want IMHO for better world for better life for
better environment
ivo abdman Jan 21, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Novel Translation Definition and Theory Thank you so much Many thanks for all your contribution ivo abdman Jan 18, 2008
Being independent Jobs that make you lose your will to live why problem have to face why problem have to face due to there are gift
waiting you there its right isn't it :)
ivo abdman Jan 17, 2008
Money matters Do you sometimes charge more than your hourly rate for a 1-hr job? you have good trade strategy respons Do not regret, you are on the right track on trade
strategy reason. Especially they are new types of
job for you, regard as practices for you. Just do
the best, they will give you good jud
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Which latin alphabets transcribes words/names from other latin alphabets?! only a matter of pronounciation in my country I think it's needed for easy to read written form
with the nice approach (pronounciation) for
example (in Indonesian) Chemical name hidroxy
--> hidroksi chloroprene --> kloroprena
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Novel Translation Definition and Theory Nida and Taber (1982:12) say that translating
consists in reproducing in the receptor language
the closest natural equivalence of a source
language message, firstly in terms of meaning and
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Subtitling Subtitling silent movies Agree Always involve the native for both source and
target languages for perfect job. But there are no
perfect man, we could only minimazing the error,
e.g. back translation test, and build the
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Business issues Name suggestion for a translation agency??? balado the name of fried spieces and easy to
remember origin term --> balado fried
spieces image = fast, hot but nice (chilly but
little sweet), match with everything, enthusiasm,
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Getting established Do I need legal advice when starting out as a freelance translator? it will be better you to become agency than freelancer If I am not has a wrong taste, I think you have a
good plan, it will be better you to become agency
than freelancer. You have to do some simple
analysis which one the payment or not-pa
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice dictionaries - how to choose? fast and complete dictionary Fast and complete are what we need for our
dictionary to have. Online dictionary is good
enough but sometime there are much obstacles when
we needed. Many dictionaries is better than one
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Money matters Agency not paying. No collection from client. Depend on context :) It's depent your wisdom and condition. Be
yourself, you are the one who know you the best
isn't it. Be flexible is the best one. The
management that has good survival endurance is the<
ivo abdman Jan 16, 2008
Indonesian Terjemahan Memuaskan vs Transfer Internasional Sebuah analogi Seorang wartawan sedang meliput peristiwa di mana
ada seorang PRT yang tidak dibayar upahnya selama
7 bulan kerja dan dianiaya pula oleh majikannya
sedang curhat dengan rekan-rekannya sesa
ivo abdman Nov 13, 2007
Indonesian Jasa Penerjemahan Tidak Dibayar Usul buat group yang mengantisipasi ini sesama penerjemah Mungkin Pak Hipyan atau siapa saja sesuai
kesepakatan bisa buat group sebagai administrator
(bisa di yahoo) mengantisipasi masalah
ini. Setiap mereka yang dapat order, langsung
ivo abdman Nov 12, 2007
Indonesian Terjemahan Memuaskan vs Transfer Internasional Kok begitu, bisa dijelaskan ? Kalau saya, order sedikit gak dibayar anggap aja
sedekah sama orang yang kurang akal. Kalau
banyak saya pilih yang kedua. Gak ada
ivo abdman Nov 12, 2007
Wordfast support Target segment not in target language retry applying training file It doesn't clear for me about the root of the
problem, there are may possibility. Might be you
could learn stepwise the Training Manual you could
download from wordfast website with file n
ivo abdman Oct 30, 2007 Translator Coop Staff member Justin has passed away We're all will back to Lord Its the time for the destiny, nothing much we can
do. Congratulation Justin, you just passed the
stage where in we are still stay, translate and
translate, again and again. I hope you cou
ivo abdman Sep 3, 2007
Indonesian Jam Kerja Translator Saya baru gabung !!! Dengan hormat Saya setuju. Begitulah
masing-masing punya suka duka sendiri. Terjemahan
itu ga ada habisnya. Kita yang atur waktunya.
Bukan waktu and uang yang atur kita. Kerja yang
ivo abdman Mar 26, 2007

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